0184/2020 - Programa Bolsa Família e saneamento: Uma revisão sistemática dos efeitos na diarreia ena desnutrição Bolsa Família Program and water and sanitation: A systematic review of effects on diarrhea andmalnutrition
O Programa Bolsa Família eintervenções em saneamento são políticas públicas que podem ter efeito combinado positivo no enfrentamento das iniquidades em saúde.O Programa Bolsa Famíliabusca propiciar melhoria das condições de saúde, diminuição da insegurança alimentar e aumento da renda familiar. Intervenções em saneamentoobjetivam garantir a saúde pública e a proteção do meio ambiente.O estudo objetivou revisar a literatura, procurando indícios de interações entre estas duas intervenções, influenciando nos desfechos morbidade e mortalidade por diarreia e desnutrição em menores de cinco anos. Foi realizada busca nas bases LILACS, SciELO e PubMed e a metodologia dos artigos foi avaliada por meio de escores da escala de Downs& Black adaptada.Foram identificados 1.658 artigos, dos quais quatro apresentaram todos os critérios para inclusão no estudo. Os estudos selecionados mostraram evidências do efeito positivo do Programa Bolsa Família edeintervenções em saneamento relacionados aos desfechos de interesse, quando analisados de forma independente um do outro. No entanto, nenhum artigo apresentou resultados que pudessem esclarecer o efeito conjunto destas políticas públicasem um modelo de interação,revelando lacuna na literatura nestas doenças particularmente atribuíveis à pobreza.
Revisão Sistemática. Saneamento. Programas Sociais. Políticas Públicas.
The Bolsa Família Program and water and sanitation interventionsare public policies that can have a really positive effect on addressing health inequities. The Bolsa Família Programseeks to improve health conditions, reducing food insecurity and increasing family income. Sanitation interventions aim to ensure public health and the protection of the environment. The aim of this study was to review the literature looking for possible interactions between these two interventions, influencing the outcomes morbidity and mortality due to diarrhea and malnutrition in under five years. LILACS, SciELO and PubMed databases were used and subsequently the articles methodology were evaluated through scores of Downs & Black scale adapted. A total of 1.658 articles were identified and four of which presented all the criteria for inclusion in the study.The results showed evidence of the positive effect independent of the Bolsa Família Program and adequate water and sanitation conditions in reducing illness and death processes by diarrhea and malnutrition in the age group of interest of the study. However, no article has presented results that could clarify the joint effect of these public policies in an interaction model, revealing a gap in the literature on these diseases particularly attributable to poverty.
Systematic Review. Water. Sanitation. Social programs. Publicpolicy.
Bolsa Família Program and water and sanitation: A systematic review of effects on diarrhea andmalnutrition
Resumo (abstract):
The Bolsa Família Program and water and sanitation interventionsare public policies that can have a really positive effect on addressing health inequities. The Bolsa Família Programseeks to improve health conditions, reducing food insecurity and increasing family income. Sanitation interventions aim to ensure public health and the protection of the environment. The aim of this study was to review the literature looking for possible interactions between these two interventions, influencing the outcomes morbidity and mortality due to diarrhea and malnutrition in under five years. LILACS, SciELO and PubMed databases were used and subsequently the articles methodology were evaluated through scores of Downs & Black scale adapted. A total of 1.658 articles were identified and four of which presented all the criteria for inclusion in the study.The results showed evidence of the positive effect independent of the Bolsa Família Program and adequate water and sanitation conditions in reducing illness and death processes by diarrhea and malnutrition in the age group of interest of the study. However, no article has presented results that could clarify the joint effect of these public policies in an interaction model, revealing a gap in the literature on these diseases particularly attributable to poverty.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Systematic Review. Water. Sanitation. Social programs. Publicpolicy.
Souza, A.A, Heller, L. Programa Bolsa Família e saneamento: Uma revisão sistemática dos efeitos na diarreia ena desnutrição. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jul). [Citado em 03/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/programa-bolsa-familia-e-saneamento-uma-revisao-sistematica-dos-efeitos-na-diarreia-ena-desnutricao/17666?id=17666