O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar o conceito de corpos diz-sonantes e dar visibilidade a esses corpos no campo da saúde coletiva, a partir de perspectivas anti-coloniais e queers. São corpos muitas vezes considerados dissidentes, cujas existências consideradas abjetas, descartáveis e marginalizadas, pela sociedade neoliberal e necropolítica são apresentadas como outras possibilidades frente às lógicas e estratégias políticas de reprodução hegemônica da vida-capital e nas políticas de saúde. Debate tensionamentos de novas possibilidades e alternativas de modos outros de existências e de mundos inclusivos, em que todas as vidas sejam consideradas, em suas singularidades e diferenças, radicalmente iguais na validação dos seus modos de viver.
Populações Minoritárias, Vulneráveis e Desiguais em Saúde. Políticas Inclusivas de Gênero. Saúde de Gênero. Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero. Valor da Vida.
The purpose of this essay is to present the concept of dissonant bodies and give visibility to dissonant bodies, often considered dissidents, in the field of public health,anti-colonial and queer perspectives. These are bodies that are often considered dissidents, whose existences considered abject, disposable and marginalized by neoliberal and necropolitical society are presented as other possibilities in the face of the logic and political strategies of hegemonic reproduction of capital-life and in health policies. Debate tensions of new possibilities and alternatives of other modes of existence and inclusive worlds, in which all lives are considered, in their singularities and differences, radically equal in the validation of their ways of living.
Health Disparate, Minority and Vulnerable Populations. Gender-Inclusive Policies. Gender and Health. Life. Sexual and Gender Minorities. Value of Life.
When dissident bodies proclaim their places as dissonant bodies
Resumo (abstract):
The purpose of this essay is to present the concept of dissonant bodies and give visibility to dissonant bodies, often considered dissidents, in the field of public health,anti-colonial and queer perspectives. These are bodies that are often considered dissidents, whose existences considered abject, disposable and marginalized by neoliberal and necropolitical society are presented as other possibilities in the face of the logic and political strategies of hegemonic reproduction of capital-life and in health policies. Debate tensions of new possibilities and alternatives of other modes of existence and inclusive worlds, in which all lives are considered, in their singularities and differences, radically equal in the validation of their ways of living.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Disparate, Minority and Vulnerable Populations. Gender-Inclusive Policies. Gender and Health. Life. Sexual and Gender Minorities. Value of Life.
Moreira, R., Santos, M. L. M, Rosa, N. S. F., Bertussi, D. C., Slomp Junior, H., Merhy, E.E.. Quando corpos dissidentes proclamam seus lugares como corpos diz-sonantes. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/dez). [Citado em 11/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/quando-corpos-dissidentes-proclamam-seus-lugares-como-corpos-dizsonantes/18996?id=18996