Resumo: Este estudo busca identificar fatores familiares que influenciam o potencial de resiliência de adolescentes meninos e meninas. É um estudo transversal com dados de um inquérito epidemiológico que contou com a participação de 889 adolescentes do 9º ano de escolas públicas e particulares de um município da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, selecionados por amostragem. Variáveis sociodemográficas do adolescente, da família, dentre os quais a violência familiar, e outros fatores são estudados segundo o potencial de resiliência dos adolescentes. Foram feitos testes de associação entre as variáveis estudadas e a resiliência, considerados ao nível de significância de 5%.Os resultados indicam que um relacionamento difícil com a mãe ou madrasta, a ausência de supervisão familiar, a presença de depressão, além da baixa utilização de estratégias de coping de distração, ativo e de suporte são fatores associados ao baixo potencial de resiliência. As variáveis morar amontoado e ter relacionamento difícil com os irmãos se mostram nocivas apenas ao potencial de resiliência das meninas. Programas e políticas públicas necessitam trabalhar junto às famílias e instrumentalizá-las para que compreendam as necessidades dos adolescentes como forma de prevenção dos problemas de saúde mental e promoção da saúde desta população segundo a ótica de gênero.
Abstract: Abstract: This article investigates the family factors that influence the potential resilience of adolescent students and their relation with gender and family aspects. It is a cross-sectional study with data coming from a survey that included the participation of 889 adolescents, selected at random, of the 9th year of public and private schools in a city of Rio de Janeiro. Tests of association between variables and resilience were made, considering a significance level of 5%. Sociodemographic results indicate that family factors such as difficult relationship with the mother or stepmother and lack of family supervision, presence of depression and low use of coping strategies of distratiction, active and supportive factors are associated with low potential of resilience. Variables like living huddle and have difficult relationship with siblings appear just as harmful harmful to the potential resilience of girls. Public policies and programs need to deal with families and exploit the ability of comprehension of the needs of adolescents, according to their gender, as a way of preventing mental health problems and health promotion in this population.
Abstract: Abstract: This article investigates the family factors that influence the potential resilience of adolescent students and their relation with gender and family aspects. It is a cross-sectional study with data coming from a survey that included the participation of 889 adolescents, selected at random, of the 9th year of public and private schools in a city of Rio de Janeiro. Tests of association between variables and resilience were made, considering a significance level of 5%. Sociodemographic results indicate that family factors such as difficult relationship with the mother or stepmother and lack of family supervision, presence of depression and low use of coping strategies of distratiction, active and supportive factors are associated with low potential of resilience. Variables like living huddle and have difficult relationship with siblings appear just as harmful harmful to the potential resilience of girls. Public policies and programs need to deal with families and exploit the ability of comprehension of the needs of adolescents, according to their gender, as a way of preventing mental health problems and health promotion in this population.
Rozemberg, L.B., Avanci, J.Q, SCHENKER M. Resiliência, gênero e família na adolescência. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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