0067/2021 - Revisitando definições e naturezas da intersetorialidade: um ensaio teórico Revisiting definitions and natures of intersectoriality: a theoretical essay
Este ensaio teórico aborda definições e características centrais das ações intersetoriais para a saúde. Tem como objetivo, portanto, refletir sobre o conhecimento produzido sobre as concepções e a natureza das ações intersetoriais para a saúde. Para a construção das análises realizou-se uma revisão integrativa, a partir de publicações referentes ao período compreendido entre 2000 e 2019 identificadas nas bases de dados Lilacs, SciELO, Web of Science e Science Direct. O corpus contemplou 12 artigos, sendo analisados os aspectos relacionados com a finalidade, propósito ou método da ação intersetorial sendo possível traçar similaridades e contrastes entre as definições. Diante da opacidade na construção de definições, coube situar que existe uma construção sócio histórica dos conceitos, mas as definições provisórias expressam certo borramento ou apagamento que se encontram em disputa ao interior do campo da saúde e que podem direcionar a distintos pontos de vista e constituir barreiras para incluir a implementação das ações intersetoriais relacionadas a promoção da saúde nas práticas cotidianas. Tais reflexões derivaram um conjunto de proposições acerca das naturezas das ações intersetoriais para a saúde, que visam contribuir para o debate sobre a temática.
Ação intersetorial; Ação intersetorial para a saúde; Colaboração intersetorial; Revisão.
This theoretical essay addresses definitions and central characteristics of intersectoral actions for health. It aims, therefore, to reflect on the knowledge produced about the conceptions and nature of intersectoral actions for health. For the construction of the analyzes, an integrative review was carried outpublications referring to the period between 2000 and 2019 identified in the Lilacs, SciELO, Web of Science and Science Direct databases. The corpus included 12 articles, with aspects related to the purpose, purpose or method of intersectoral action being analyzed, making it possible to trace similarities and contrasts between definitions. In view of the opacity in the construction of definitions, it was necessary to situate that there is a socio-historical construction of the concepts, but the provisional definitions express a certain blurring or erasure that are in dispute within the field of health and that can lead to different points of view and constitute barriers to include the implementation of intersectoral actions related to health promotion in daily practices. Such reflections derived a set of propositions about the nature of intersectoral actions for health that aim to contribute to the debate on the theme.
Inter-sectoral action; Intersectoral action for health; Intersectoral collaboration; Review.
Revisiting definitions and natures of intersectoriality: a theoretical essay
Resumo (abstract):
This theoretical essay addresses definitions and central characteristics of intersectoral actions for health. It aims, therefore, to reflect on the knowledge produced about the conceptions and nature of intersectoral actions for health. For the construction of the analyzes, an integrative review was carried outpublications referring to the period between 2000 and 2019 identified in the Lilacs, SciELO, Web of Science and Science Direct databases. The corpus included 12 articles, with aspects related to the purpose, purpose or method of intersectoral action being analyzed, making it possible to trace similarities and contrasts between definitions. In view of the opacity in the construction of definitions, it was necessary to situate that there is a socio-historical construction of the concepts, but the provisional definitions express a certain blurring or erasure that are in dispute within the field of health and that can lead to different points of view and constitute barriers to include the implementation of intersectoral actions related to health promotion in daily practices. Such reflections derived a set of propositions about the nature of intersectoral actions for health that aim to contribute to the debate on the theme.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Inter-sectoral action; Intersectoral action for health; Intersectoral collaboration; Review.
Prado, N.M.B.L, Aquino, R., Hartz, Z. M. de A., do Santos, H. L. P. C., Medina, M. G.. Revisitando definições e naturezas da intersetorialidade: um ensaio teórico. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/fev). [Citado em 14/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/revisitando-definicoes-e-naturezas-da-intersetorialidade-um-ensaio-teorico/17966?id=17966&id=17966