0136/2022 - Saúde mental de trabalhadoras sexuais na pandemia da COVID-19: agentes estressores e estratégias de coping Mental health of female sex workers in the COVID-19 pandemic: stressors and coping strategies
Objetivou-se analisar as estratégias de coping adotadas por trabalhadoras sexuais frente aos agentes estressores decorrentes da pandemia da COVID-19. Estudo qualitativo, apoiado nas teorias do Sistemas e Coping. Realizou-se entrevista em profundidade com 30 trabalhadoras sexuais, do Alto Sertão Produtivo Baiano, entre os meses de setembro e outubro de 2020. As narrativas foram submetidas aos recursos da hermenêutica-dialética para organização das categorias. Quatro categorias remetem aos agentes estressores do sistema: sentimentos negativos de medo, ansiedade e dificuldades de dormir com as incertezas diante da pandemia; preocupação com o sustento dos familiares; irritabilidade diante de conflitos; angústias e inseguranças com as condições de trabalho. Cinco categorias fazem alusão ao coping: focam no problema (pandemia); ressignificação e regulação de emoções; espiritualidade e religiosidade; redes de apoio e suporte social; uso de substâncias e medicamentos. Os estressores surgem em decorrência das vivências do serviço sexual aliadas a situação pandêmica com redução de clientes e renda, desenvolvendo sentimentos e emoções negativas. Todavia, as estratégias de coping são diversas e tentativas de lidar com os problemas e equilibrar a saúde mental.
Profissionais do Sexo; Saúde Mental; Teoria de Enfermagem; Estratégias de Enfrentamento; Pandemias.
The objective was to analyze the coping strategies adopted by female sex workers for stressors resultingthe COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative study, supported by the theories of Systems and Coping. An in-depth interview was conducted with 30 female sex workers,Alto Sertão Produtivo Baiano, between the months of September and October 2020. The narratives were submitted to the resources of the hermeneutics-dialectic to organize the categories. Four categories refer to the stressors of the system: negative feelings of fear, anxiety and difficulties sleeping with the uncertainties facing the pandemic; concern with the support of family members; irritability in the face of conflicts; anguish and insecurity with working conditions. Five categories allude to coping: focus on the problem (pandemic); reframing and regulation of emotions; spirituality and religiosity; support and social support networks; substance and medication use. Stressors arise as a result of the experiences of sexual service combined with a pandemic situation with reduced clients and income, developing negative feelings and emotions. However, coping strategies are diverse and attempts to deal with problems and balance mental health.
Sex Workers; Mental health; Nursing Theory; Coping Strategies; Pandemics.
Mental health of female sex workers in the COVID-19 pandemic: stressors and coping strategies
Resumo (abstract):
The objective was to analyze the coping strategies adopted by female sex workers for stressors resultingthe COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative study, supported by the theories of Systems and Coping. An in-depth interview was conducted with 30 female sex workers,Alto Sertão Produtivo Baiano, between the months of September and October 2020. The narratives were submitted to the resources of the hermeneutics-dialectic to organize the categories. Four categories refer to the stressors of the system: negative feelings of fear, anxiety and difficulties sleeping with the uncertainties facing the pandemic; concern with the support of family members; irritability in the face of conflicts; anguish and insecurity with working conditions. Five categories allude to coping: focus on the problem (pandemic); reframing and regulation of emotions; spirituality and religiosity; support and social support networks; substance and medication use. Stressors arise as a result of the experiences of sexual service combined with a pandemic situation with reduced clients and income, developing negative feelings and emotions. However, coping strategies are diverse and attempts to deal with problems and balance mental health.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Sex Workers; Mental health; Nursing Theory; Coping Strategies; Pandemics.
Couto, P.L.S, Porcino, C., Pereira, S. S. C., Gomes, A.M.T, França, L.C.M, Vilela, A.B.A. Saúde mental de trabalhadoras sexuais na pandemia da COVID-19: agentes estressores e estratégias de coping. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/jun). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/saude-mental-de-trabalhadoras-sexuais-na-pandemia-da-covid19-agentes-estressores-e-estrategias-de-coping/18392?id=18392