2071/2012 - Senso de Coerência e Adolescência: Uma Revisão Integrativa de Literatura Sense of Coherence and Adolescence: An Integrative Review of Literature
• Virginia Menezes coutinho - Coutinho, VM - Recife, PE - Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco- FOP-UPE - <vi.menezes@hotmail.com>
• Mônica Vilela Heimer - HEIMER, M. V. - Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco- FOP-UPE - <monica@heimer.com.br >
Área Temática:
Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente
Realizou-se uma Revisão Integrativa com o objetivo de investigar o papel do Senso de Coerência (SOC) na saúde do adolescente em diferentes contextos, como também os fatores que o influenciam. SOC é um construto utilizado para avaliar a capacidade de lidar e se adaptar a uma adversidade. Foram consultadas as bases Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs e Medline, com intervalo de 10 anos, nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol, no formato de artigo original e com resumos disponíveis. Após análise foram selecionados 21 artigos os quais foram separados em categorias temáticas. Verificou-se que adolescentes com um baixo valor de SOC apresentam mais tendência à depressão, ansiedade e problemas psicossomáticos. Já os com SOC alto apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida. Diversos estudos mostraram que um forte SOC estava associado a diferentes comportamentos de saúde, como melhoria da higiene oral, uso consciente de medicamentos, não adesão ao tabagismo, menor consumo de álcool e práticas de atividades físicas mais frequentes. Outros estudos apontam para o papel protetor do SOC por reduzir o impacto causado por situações adversas, como uma doença ou até guerra. Assim, investigar o SOC é importante por ser um recurso individual de enfrentamento como também por servir de subsídio no planejamento de ações que visam à promoção de saúde.
Senso de Coerência
Promoção de Saúde
We conducted an integrative review whose aim was to investigate the role of the Sense of Coherence (SOC) in adolescent health in different contexts, as well as the factors that influence it. SOC is a construct used to evaluate the ability to cope and adapt to a situation of adversity. The biomedical databases PubMed, Scielo, Lilacs, and Medline were consulted with an interval of 10 years to search original articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish with available abstracts. After a analysis there were selected 21 articles, which were separated into thematic categories. It was observed that adolescents with a low SOC are more prone to depression, anxiety and psychosomatic problems. On the other hand adolescents with high SOC showed better quality of life. Several studies have shown that a strong SOC was associated with different health behaviors, such as improved oral hygiene, conscious use of medicines, non-adherence to smoking, lower consumption of alcohol and practice of physical activities more frequently. Other studies point to the protective role of SOC by reducing the impact of adverse situations, such as illness or even war. Thus, to investigate the SOC is important as an individual resource coping but will also benefit in planning actions for the promotion of health.
Sense of Coherence and Adolescence: An Integrative Review of Literature
Resumo (abstract):
We conducted an integrative review whose aim was to investigate the role of the Sense of Coherence (SOC) in adolescent health in different contexts, as well as the factors that influence it. SOC is a construct used to evaluate the ability to cope and adapt to a situation of adversity. The biomedical databases PubMed, Scielo, Lilacs, and Medline were consulted with an interval of 10 years to search original articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish with available abstracts. After a analysis there were selected 21 articles, which were separated into thematic categories. It was observed that adolescents with a low SOC are more prone to depression, anxiety and psychosomatic problems. On the other hand adolescents with high SOC showed better quality of life. Several studies have shown that a strong SOC was associated with different health behaviors, such as improved oral hygiene, conscious use of medicines, non-adherence to smoking, lower consumption of alcohol and practice of physical activities more frequently. Other studies point to the protective role of SOC by reducing the impact of adverse situations, such as illness or even war. Thus, to investigate the SOC is important as an individual resource coping but will also benefit in planning actions for the promotion of health.
Coutinho, VM, HEIMER, M. V.. Senso de Coerência e Adolescência: Uma Revisão Integrativa de Literatura. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/senso-de-coerencia-e-adolescencia-uma-revisao-integrativa-de-literatura/12071?id=12071