0507/2018 - Serious Games para educação em higiene bucal infantil: Uma revisão integrativa e a busca de aplicativos. Serious Games for education in children\'s oral hygiene: An integrative review and the search of applications.
Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão integrativa sobre as publicações que abordam o uso de serious games voltados para educação em higiene bucal infantil e uma busca dos aplicativos disponíveis com esse mesmo fim. Método: Foi conduzida uma revisão integrativa pareada nas bases de dados IBECS, LILACS, SCIENCE DIRECT, SciELO, PUBMED, SCOPUS, MEDLINE e Google Acadêmico, de janeiro a novembro de 2017 e em paralelo uma busca de aplicativos disponíveis na plataforma Android® e em sítios eletrônicos das Ciências da Computação, como o IEEE Xplore. Resultados: Na revisão integrativa, foram selecionados 12 artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Nas buscas em sítios eletrônicos, 11 jogos foram classificados como serious games voltados para higiene bucal. Foram identificados 284 aplicativos na Play Store®, com predomínio para atividades intervencionistas em consultório, sendo dor, cárie dental e trauma os enredos principais. Poucos aplicativos voltados para educação em higiene bucal estão disponíveis. Quanto ao público-alvo, há predomínio do público infantil. Conclusões: Apesar da escassez de publicações sobre o assunto, explorar recursos tecnológicos como meios de educação em higiene bucal infantil sinaliza uma área do conhecimento com potencial acadêmico e com possíveis aplicações para a saúde pública.
Jogos de vídeo; Educação em saúde; Higiene bucal.
Objective: To perform an integrative review on publications that discuss the use of serious games focused on education of children’s oral hygiene and a search for available apps with this same purpose. Method: An integrative peer review was conducted in the databases IBECS, LILACS, SCIENCE DIRECT, SciELO, PUBMED, SCOPUS, MEDLINE and Scholar Google,January to November of 2017 and in parallel a search of available applications on the Android platform®, and websites of computer science, such as the IEEE Xplore. Results: In the integrative review, 12 articles were ed that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In searches on websites, 11 games were classified as serious games aimed for oral hygiene. A total of 284 apps were identified at Play Store®, with predominance for interventionist activity in dental offices, with pain, dental caries and trauma being the main plots. Few applications focused on oral hygiene education are available. As for intended audience, there is the prevalence of children\'s public. Conclusions: Despite the scarcity of publications on the subject, exploring technological resources as educational options for children\'s oral hygiene indicate an area of knowledge with academic potential and possible applications for public health.
Serious Games for education in children\'s oral hygiene: An integrative review and the search of applications.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To perform an integrative review on publications that discuss the use of serious games focused on education of children’s oral hygiene and a search for available apps with this same purpose. Method: An integrative peer review was conducted in the databases IBECS, LILACS, SCIENCE DIRECT, SciELO, PUBMED, SCOPUS, MEDLINE and Scholar Google,January to November of 2017 and in parallel a search of available applications on the Android platform®, and websites of computer science, such as the IEEE Xplore. Results: In the integrative review, 12 articles were ed that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In searches on websites, 11 games were classified as serious games aimed for oral hygiene. A total of 284 apps were identified at Play Store®, with predominance for interventionist activity in dental offices, with pain, dental caries and trauma being the main plots. Few applications focused on oral hygiene education are available. As for intended audience, there is the prevalence of children\'s public. Conclusions: Despite the scarcity of publications on the subject, exploring technological resources as educational options for children\'s oral hygiene indicate an area of knowledge with academic potential and possible applications for public health.
Morais, E.R, Vergara, C.M.A.C, Brito, F.O, Sampaio, HAC. Serious Games para educação em higiene bucal infantil: Uma revisão integrativa e a busca de aplicativos.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/nov). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/serious-games-para-educacao-em-higiene-bucal-infantil-uma-revisao-integrativa-e-a-busca-de-aplicativos/17040?id=17040