1597/2013 - Síndrome do Estresse Pós-Traumático/PTSD em adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual: a resiliência e suporte social como fator de proteçãoprotective factors PTSD in teenagers victims of sexual abuse: Resilience and social support as protective factors
A presente análise explorou a contribuição da resiliência pessoal , familiar (apoio maternal e paternal, o apoio irmão) e extra- familiar (apoio dos pares, outro adulto ) para a previsão de níveis clínicos de sintomas de PTSD em adolescentes que relataram abuso sexual, controlando-se variáveis relacionadas com o abuso (tipo de abuso, gravidade e abuso múltipla) em amostra representativa de alunos das escolas da província de Quebec. O total de 15,2% das meninas e 4,4 % dos meninos do ensino médio relataram uma história de abuso sexual infantil. Meninas abusadas sexualmente (27,8%) eram mais propensas, comparadas aos meninos (14,9% ), para obter pontuação atingindo níveis clínicos de PTSD. A regressão logística hierárquica revelou que, para além das características do abuso sexual sofrido, fatores de resiliência (suporte materno e apoio dos pares) contribuíram para a predição de sintomas de PTSD que atingiram o limite clínico. São discutidos alternativas práticas de intervenção e de prevenção direcionadas a adolescentes vítimas de abuso sexual.
abuso sexual infantil
fatores de proteção
suporte materno e dos pares
The present analysis explored the contribution of personal (resilience), familial (maternal and paternal support, sibling support) and extra-familial (peer support, other adult) to the prediction of clinical levels of PTSD symptoms in teenagers reporting sexual abuse while controlling for abuse-related variables (type of abuse, severity, and multiple abuse). In a representative sample of high schools students in the province of Quebec, a total of 15.2% of high school girls and4.4% of high school boys reported a history of child sexual abuse. Sexually abused girls (27.8%) were more likely than boys (14.9%) to obtain scores reaching clinical levels of PTSD symptoms. A logistic hierarchical regression revealed that over and above the characteristics of the sexual abuse experienced, resilience, maternalas well as peer support contributed to the prediction ofsymptoms of PTSD reaching the clinical threshold. Avenues for intervention practices and prevention among adolescent victims of sexual assault are discussed.
Childhood sexual abuse
protective factors
peer support
parental support
PTSD in teenagers victims of sexual abuse: Resilience and social support as protective factors
Resumo (abstract):
The present analysis explored the contribution of personal (resilience), familial (maternal and paternal support, sibling support) and extra-familial (peer support, other adult) to the prediction of clinical levels of PTSD symptoms in teenagers reporting sexual abuse while controlling for abuse-related variables (type of abuse, severity, and multiple abuse). In a representative sample of high schools students in the province of Quebec, a total of 15.2% of high school girls and4.4% of high school boys reported a history of child sexual abuse. Sexually abused girls (27.8%) were more likely than boys (14.9%) to obtain scores reaching clinical levels of PTSD symptoms. A logistic hierarchical regression revealed that over and above the characteristics of the sexual abuse experienced, resilience, maternalas well as peer support contributed to the prediction ofsymptoms of PTSD reaching the clinical threshold. Avenues for intervention practices and prevention among adolescent victims of sexual assault are discussed.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Childhood sexual abuse
protective factors
peer support
parental support
Hérbert M, Blais, M, Lavoie F. Síndrome do Estresse Pós-Traumático/PTSD em adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual: a resiliência e suporte social como fator de proteçãoprotective factors. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/sindrome-do-estresse-postraumaticoptsd-em-adolescentes-vitimas-de-violencia-sexual-a-resiliencia-e-suporte-social-como-fator-de-protecaoprotective-factors/14627?id=14627