0101/2020 - Spatial analysis studies of endemic diseases for health surveillance: Application of scan statistics for surveillance of tuberculosis among residents of a metropolitan municipality aged 60 years and above Atuação da vigilância em saúde para estudos de análises espaciais de doenças endêmicas: Aplicação da técnica de varredura para vigilância de tuberculose em maiores de 60 anos
A vigilância em saúde tem como objetivo o acompanhamento dos eventos adversos à saúde, estabelecendo metas de prevenção e controle, principalmente para as doenças transmissíveis, como a tuberculose. Quando relaciona a tuberculose com a população idosa, tem-se um fatormais agravante, devido as peculiaridades dessa população que favorecem na transmissão da doença. Desse modo, objetivo do trabalho é demonstrar a importância da técnica de varredura (estatística Scan) para detectar as áreas de aglomerados espaço-temporal da TB. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, com uso da técnica de análise espacial, em especifico a técnica de varredura. O estudo ocorreu no município de Belém/PA, com 1.134 casos novos de TB em idosos no período de 2011 a 2015. Foi utilizado o programa SaTScan. A dinâmica da tuberculose no município mostrou-se que as áreas de riscos coincidiram com os bairros de maior densidade populacional, evidenciando as áreas prioritárias de maior vulnerabilidade que devem servir para nortear as intervenções mais efetivas de acordo com a característica do local e da sua população.
Health surveillance aims to monitor adverse health events, and to set disease prevention and control goals, especially for communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB).Older people have a higher risk of TB, due to their specific characteristics, whichpredispose them to infectious disease. Thus, the objective of this study was to demonstrate the importance of scan statistics for detecting spatiotemporal clusters of TB. We conducted a quantitative is an ecological, descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, using the spatial analysis techniques, specifically scan statistics. The study was conducted in the municipality ofBelém, Pará, in Brazil using data on 1,134 new cases of TB diagnosed in individuals aged ≥60 years2011 to 2015.The data were analyzed using SaTScan software.The analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of TB in the municipality showed thatthe high-risk areas includedthe most densely populated neighborhoods, highlighting the priority of theseareas for disease control measures.Spatial analysis can be used to guide more effective interventions according to the characteristics of the location and the local population.
Atuação da vigilância em saúde para estudos de análises espaciais de doenças endêmicas: Aplicação da técnica de varredura para vigilância de tuberculose em maiores de 60 anos
Resumo (abstract):
Health surveillance aims to monitor adverse health events, and to set disease prevention and control goals, especially for communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB).Older people have a higher risk of TB, due to their specific characteristics, whichpredispose them to infectious disease. Thus, the objective of this study was to demonstrate the importance of scan statistics for detecting spatiotemporal clusters of TB. We conducted a quantitative is an ecological, descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, using the spatial analysis techniques, specifically scan statistics. The study was conducted in the municipality ofBelém, Pará, in Brazil using data on 1,134 new cases of TB diagnosed in individuals aged ≥60 years2011 to 2015.The data were analyzed using SaTScan software.The analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of TB in the municipality showed thatthe high-risk areas includedthe most densely populated neighborhoods, highlighting the priority of theseareas for disease control measures.Spatial analysis can be used to guide more effective interventions according to the characteristics of the location and the local population.
Mesquita, C,R, Enk, M.J, Paula Souza e Guimarães, R.J. Spatial analysis studies of endemic diseases for health surveillance: Application of scan statistics for surveillance of tuberculosis among residents of a metropolitan municipality aged 60 years and above. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mai). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/spatial-analysis-studies-of-endemic-diseases-for-health-surveillance-application-of-scan-statistics-for-surveillance-of-tuberculosis-among-residents-of-a-metropolitan-municipality-aged-60-years-and-above/17583?id=17583