0047/2020 - Spatio-temporal analysis of cardiovascular disease mortality: Pacific Region of Colombia, 2002-2015. Spatio-temporal analysis of cardiovascular disease mortality: Pacific Region of Colombia, 2002-2015.
As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são as principais causas de morte no mundo e na Colômbia, sendo considerado um grave problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a mortalidade por DCV espacial e temporal na região do Pacífico da Colômbia no período 2002-2015 e sua associação com alguns indicadores socioeconômicos municipais usando técnicas estatísticas de análise espacial. Foi um estudo descritivo-ecológico nos 177 municípios da região do Pacífico utilizando dados de mortalidade por DCV, sob os códigos I00-I99 da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10) e sete indicadores socioeconômicos municipais. A análise incluiu o cálculo das taxas de mortalidade brutas e padronizadas, de acordo com gênero, para DCV e suas principais causas, e modelagem da contagem de óbitos usando modelos hierárquicos bayesianos. Durante o período 2002-2015, as taxas padronizadas de mortalidade por DCV mostraram uma tendência de queda nos homens (129,0 a 119,3) e nas mulheres (129,0 a 110,0), sendo as principais causas de morte as doenças isquêmicas do coração, seguido de doenças cerebrovasculares. No geral, o risco de mortalidade por DCV foi maior nos municípios menos favorecidos economicamente e socialmente.
Mortalidade, Doenças Cardiovasculares, Desigualdades em Saúde, Análise Espacial, Colômbia
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of death in the world and in Colombia being considered as a serious public health problem. The main goal of this study was to analyze spatially and temporarily CVD mortality in the Pacific region of Colombia during the period 2002-2015 and its association with some municipal socio-economic indicators using spatial statistical analysis techniques. It was a descriptive-ecological study in the 177 municipalities of the Pacific region that used CVD mortality data, under codes I00-I99 of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), and seven municipal socio-economic indicators. The analysis included calculation of crude and standardized mortality rates, according to sex, for CVD and its main causes, and modeling of CVD death counts using Bayesian hierarchical models. During the 2002-2015 period, standardized rates of CVD mortality showed a downward trend in men (129,0 to 119,3) and in women (129.0 to 110.0), the main causes of death was ischemic diseases of heart, followed by cerebrovascular diseases. In general, the risk of CVD mortality was higher in the less economically and socially disadvantaged municipalities.
Mortality, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Status Disparities, Spatial Analysis, Colombia
Spatio-temporal analysis of cardiovascular disease mortality: Pacific Region of Colombia, 2002-2015.
Resumo (abstract):
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of death in the world and in Colombia being considered as a serious public health problem. The main goal of this study was to analyze spatially and temporarily CVD mortality in the Pacific region of Colombia during the period 2002-2015 and its association with some municipal socio-economic indicators using spatial statistical analysis techniques. It was a descriptive-ecological study in the 177 municipalities of the Pacific region that used CVD mortality data, under codes I00-I99 of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), and seven municipal socio-economic indicators. The analysis included calculation of crude and standardized mortality rates, according to sex, for CVD and its main causes, and modeling of CVD death counts using Bayesian hierarchical models. During the 2002-2015 period, standardized rates of CVD mortality showed a downward trend in men (129,0 to 119,3) and in women (129.0 to 110.0), the main causes of death was ischemic diseases of heart, followed by cerebrovascular diseases. In general, the risk of CVD mortality was higher in the less economically and socially disadvantaged municipalities.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Mortality, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Status Disparities, Spatial Analysis, Colombia
Pérez-Flórez, M, Achcar, J.B. Spatio-temporal analysis of cardiovascular disease mortality: Pacific Region of Colombia, 2002-2015.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mar). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/spatiotemporal-analysis-of-cardiovascular-disease-mortality-pacific-region-of-colombia-20022015/17529?id=17529