0537/2018 - Tradução, adaptação transcultural e avaliação psicométrica da versão em português (brasileiro) do 14-item Health Literacy Scale. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of Portuguese (Brazilian) version of 14-item Health Literacy Scale.
Foram avaliadas as propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira do 14-item Health Literacy Scale (HLS-14). No estudo metodológico com delineamento transversal realizou-se tradução, adaptação transcultural e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas.Depois de passar por comitê de especialistas, traduzido e adaptado, o instrumento foi pré-testado em 52 adultos, e aplicado em 143 adultos e idosos de Piracicaba-SP. A consistência interna foi avaliada através do coeficiente de correlação de Kendall e ? de Cronbach (>0,70) e a análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) por meio do teste de qui-quadrado, raiz quadrada média residual padronizada (SRMR), raiz da média dos quadrados dos erros de aproximação (RMSEA)(0,95) e índice de Tucker-Lewis (TLI)(>0,95). A equivalência operacional apresentou concordância entre as questões, com exceção das questões 6, 8, 9 e 14.O coeficiente ? de Cronbach foi 0,82. Houve ajuste razoável na AFC, CFI=0,886, TLI=0,86, RMSEA=0,085 (IC90%:0,065–0,105), SRMR=0,071, qui-quadrado (74 graus de liberdade)=149,510, p
Estudos de validação. Alfabetização em saúde. Medidas em epidemiologia.
Were evaluated psychometric properties of the Health Literacy Scale – 14 (HLS-14) for Portuguese (Brazilian). In the methodological study with a cross-sectional design, were performed: translation, cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties.After passing through a committee of experts, translated and adapted, the instrument was pre-tested in 52 adults and applied to 143 adults and elderly of Piracicaba-SP.Internal consistency was assessed using the Kendall correlation coefficient and Cronbach\'s alpha (>0.70) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using the chi-square test, the Standardized Residual Mean Square Root (SRMR), the Root Mean Square Of The Approximation Errors (RMSEA)(0.95) and the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)(>0.95).The operational equivalence showed agreement between most of the questions, with the exception of questions 6, 8, 9 and 14. The Cronbach\'s alpha was 0.82.There was a reasonable adjustment in the CFA: CFI=0.886, TLI=0.86, RMSEA=0,085 (90%CI: 0,065-0,105), SRMR=0,071, qui-square (74 degrees of freedom)=149.510, p
Validation Studies. Health Literacy. Epidemiologic Measurements.
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of Portuguese (Brazilian) version of 14-item Health Literacy Scale.
Resumo (abstract):
Were evaluated psychometric properties of the Health Literacy Scale – 14 (HLS-14) for Portuguese (Brazilian). In the methodological study with a cross-sectional design, were performed: translation, cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties.After passing through a committee of experts, translated and adapted, the instrument was pre-tested in 52 adults and applied to 143 adults and elderly of Piracicaba-SP.Internal consistency was assessed using the Kendall correlation coefficient and Cronbach\'s alpha (>0.70) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using the chi-square test, the Standardized Residual Mean Square Root (SRMR), the Root Mean Square Of The Approximation Errors (RMSEA)(0.95) and the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)(>0.95).The operational equivalence showed agreement between most of the questions, with the exception of questions 6, 8, 9 and 14. The Cronbach\'s alpha was 0.82.There was a reasonable adjustment in the CFA: CFI=0.886, TLI=0.86, RMSEA=0,085 (90%CI: 0,065-0,105), SRMR=0,071, qui-square (74 degrees of freedom)=149.510, p
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Validation Studies. Health Literacy. Epidemiologic Measurements.
Batista, M.J., Marques, A.C.P, Silva Junior, M.F, Alencar, G.P, Sousa, M.L.R. Tradução, adaptação transcultural e avaliação psicométrica da versão em português (brasileiro) do 14-item Health Literacy Scale.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/dez). [Citado em 23/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/traducao-adaptacao-transcultural-e-avaliacao-psicometrica-da-versao-em-portugues-brasileiro-do-14item-health-literacy-scale/17070?id=17070&id=17070