0130/2024 - Trajetória na identificação das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil: uma análise das pesquisas domiciliares do IBGE Trajectory in identifying people with disabilities in Brazil: an analysis of IBGE household surveys
O objetivo deste artigo é elucidar os principais aspectos da produção de dados recente sobre a população com deficiência no Brasil. Em sua primeira seção, recorre-se à pesquisa documental e bibliográfica para revelar a influência dos debates em torno das concepções da deficiência sobre o levantamento de informações estatísticas. Na sequência, são apresentados os parâmetros para a identificação da pessoa com deficiência na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde de 2019, na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua de 2022 e no Censo Demográfico de 2022. Embora as pesquisas sejam conduzidas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e adotem como referência as recomendações do Grupo de Washington de Estatísticas sobre Deficiência, possuem questionários distintos, o que demanda atenção dos usuários desses dados. Já na terceira seção, são analisados indicadores sociodemográficos gerados com os microdados da PNS 2019 e da PNAD Contínua 2022, com o fim de esclarecer diferenças entre eles e refletir sobre a adoção de linha de corte para definir pessoas com deficiência. Constata-se que pessoas com dificuldades mais severas são as que mais enfrentam dificuldades de acesso à educação e ao mercado de trabalho.
Pessoas com deficiência, pesquisa de saúde, pesquisa demográfica, censo.
The purpose of this article is to elucidate the main aspects of recent data production regarding the population with disabilities in Brazil. In its first section, a documentary and bibliographic research is employed to unveil the influence of debates surrounding disability conceptions on the collection of statistical information. Subsequently, parameters for the identification of individuals with disabilities are presented in the 2019 National Health Survey, the 2022 Continuous National Household Sample Survey, and the 2022 Demographic Census. Although these surveys are conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and adhere to the recommendations of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, they employ distinct questionnaires, requiring careful attentionusers of this data. In the third section, sociodemographic indicators generatedthe microdata of the 2019 National Health Survey and the 2022 Continuous National Household Sample Survey are analyzed to elucidate differences between them and contemplate the adoption of a cutoff point to define people with disabilities. It is observed that individuals with more severe difficulties are the ones facing greater challenges in accessing education and the labor market.
Disabled Persons, Health Services Research, Demographic Surveys, Censuses.
Trajectory in identifying people with disabilities in Brazil: an analysis of IBGE household surveys
Resumo (abstract):
The purpose of this article is to elucidate the main aspects of recent data production regarding the population with disabilities in Brazil. In its first section, a documentary and bibliographic research is employed to unveil the influence of debates surrounding disability conceptions on the collection of statistical information. Subsequently, parameters for the identification of individuals with disabilities are presented in the 2019 National Health Survey, the 2022 Continuous National Household Sample Survey, and the 2022 Demographic Census. Although these surveys are conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and adhere to the recommendations of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, they employ distinct questionnaires, requiring careful attentionusers of this data. In the third section, sociodemographic indicators generatedthe microdata of the 2019 National Health Survey and the 2022 Continuous National Household Sample Survey are analyzed to elucidate differences between them and contemplate the adoption of a cutoff point to define people with disabilities. It is observed that individuals with more severe difficulties are the ones facing greater challenges in accessing education and the labor market.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Disabled Persons, Health Services Research, Demographic Surveys, Censuses.
Botelho, L. C., Lenzi, M. B.. Trajetória na identificação das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil: uma análise das pesquisas domiciliares do IBGE. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/abr). [Citado em 07/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/trajetoria-na-identificacao-das-pessoas-com-deficiencia-no-brasil-uma-analise-das-pesquisas-domiciliares-do-ibge/19178?id=19178