0293/2018 - Uso de comunidades virtuais no suporte à portadoras de câncer de mama. Use of virtual communities in the support to patients with breast cancer.
Pensando nas comunidades virtuais como espaço de interação e compartilhamento de experiências, principalmente entre indivíduos acometidos por doenças crônicas, objetivamos com este estudo, analisar o papel e natureza de suporte oferecido pelas comunidades virtuais as portadoras de câncer de mama. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado o aplicativo Netvizz, extraindo dados dos cinco primeiros grupos abertos de câncer de mama do Facebook no ano de 2016. Foram encontradas 2921 postagens, totalizando 1722 comentários. Para análise dos dados foi criada uma nuvem de palavras através do WordArt, e as palavras mais recorrentes foram discutidas em categorias transversais: Eu confessional x você interacional; processo terapêutico, religiosidade e “Arco de Intervenções”. Constatamos pelos resultados, que o suporte oferecido nestes espaços se dá especialmente nas esferas informacional e emocional, indo desde a fase de diagnóstico até controle da doença. A compreensão das significações das informações partilhadas nas comunidades virtuais por mulheres com câncer de mama pode contribuir para a realização de práticas de cuidado que não se restrinjam às abordagens de cunho biológico e tecnicista, mas sim numa assistência holística, integral e efetiva.
Rede social, Comunicação em Saúde, Câncer de Mama.
Thinking about virtual communities as a space for interaction and sharing of experiences, especially among individuals affected by chronic diseases, we aim with this study to analyze the role and nature of support offered by virtual communities with breast cancer patients. Descriptive study with a qualitative approach. For data collection the Netvizz application was used, extracting datathe first five open breast cancer groups of Facebook in the year 2016. There were 2921 posts, totaling 1722 comments. For data analysis a word cloud was created through WordArt, and the most recurrent words were discussed in cross-sectional categories: I confessional vs. you interactional; therapeutic process, religiosity and the \"Intervention Arc\". We can seethe results that the support offered in these spaces occurs especially in the informational and emotional spheres, rangingthe diagnosis phase to the control of the disease. The understanding of the meanings of information shared in the virtual communities by women with breast cancer can contribute to the practice of care that is not restricted to the biological and technical approaches, but rather a more integrals and effective approach to holistic care.
Social networking, Health Communication, Breast Cancer.
Use of virtual communities in the support to patients with breast cancer.
Resumo (abstract):
Thinking about virtual communities as a space for interaction and sharing of experiences, especially among individuals affected by chronic diseases, we aim with this study to analyze the role and nature of support offered by virtual communities with breast cancer patients. Descriptive study with a qualitative approach. For data collection the Netvizz application was used, extracting datathe first five open breast cancer groups of Facebook in the year 2016. There were 2921 posts, totaling 1722 comments. For data analysis a word cloud was created through WordArt, and the most recurrent words were discussed in cross-sectional categories: I confessional vs. you interactional; therapeutic process, religiosity and the \"Intervention Arc\". We can seethe results that the support offered in these spaces occurs especially in the informational and emotional spheres, rangingthe diagnosis phase to the control of the disease. The understanding of the meanings of information shared in the virtual communities by women with breast cancer can contribute to the practice of care that is not restricted to the biological and technical approaches, but rather a more integrals and effective approach to holistic care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Social networking, Health Communication, Breast Cancer.
Melo, MC, Vasconcellos-Silva, Paulo Roberto. Uso de comunidades virtuais no suporte à portadoras de câncer de mama.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jun). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/uso-de-comunidades-virtuais-no-suporte-a-portadoras-de-cancer-de-mama/16826?id=16826