0158/2023 - Uso de prontuário eletrônico e parâmetros de acesso e acolhimento segundo dados do terceiro ciclo do PMAQ-AB Use of electronic health records and primary health care accessibility according to datathe third cycle of the PMAQ-AB
O uso de prontuários eletrônicos (PE) na atenção primária em saúde (APS) visa maior integração e qualidade dos serviços. Um dos pontos mais críticos da APS brasileira segue sendo o acesso. Objetivo: analisar através dos dados do terceiro ciclo avaliativo do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) a relação entre o uso de prontuário eletrônico e os parâmetros de acesso e acolhimento das unidades participantes. Método: Estudo transversal analítico com dados secundários. Foram avaliados dados provenientes de 38.865 equipes de atenção primária, 30.346 unidades de saúde e 140.444 usuários entrevistados. Resultados: O uso de PE esteve associado a maior realização de atendimento à demanda espontânea (OR 1,664; IC95% 1,485–1,866), avaliação de risco e vulnerabilidade (OR 1,329; IC95% 1,122–1,574) e utilização de protocolos de conduta (OR 1,656; IC95% 1,530–1,793), além de maior possibilidade de agendamento por telefone (OR 3,179; IC95% 3,030–3,335). Serviços que utilizam PE tem maior chance de ser o primeiro contato dos pacientes (OR 1,226; IC95% 1,171–1,283) e de serem buscados quando o usuário tem problemas de urgência (OR 1,198; IC95% 1,161–1,236). Conclusão: Há uma possibilidade concreta de melhoria do acesso através da informatização.
Atenção Primária à Saúde; Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde; Registros Eletrônicos de Saúde
The use of eletronic health records (EHR) on primary healthcare (PHC) aims for better integration of services and care quality. One of most the critical points of brazilian PHC is access. Objective: analyze through datathe third evaluation cycle of the brazilian Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB) the relationship between the use of electronic health records and the parameters of access of the participant teams. Method: Cross-sectional analytical study with secondary data. Data38,865 primary care teams, 30,346 health units and 140,444 interviewed users were evaluated. Results: The use of EHR was associated with greater care for non-programmed demands (OR 1.664; 95%CI 1.485–1.866), risk and vulnerability assessment (OR 1.329; 95%CI 1.122–1.574) and use of protocols for clinical conducts (OR 1.656; 95%CI 1.530–1.793), in addition to a greater possibility of scheduling consultation by telephone (OR 3.179; 95%CI 3.030–3.335). Services using EHR are more likely to be the patients first contact (OR 1.226; 95%CI 1.171–1.283) and to be sought after in face of urgent health problem (OR 1.198; 95%CI 1.161–1.236). Conclusion: The results point to a concrete possibility of improving access through computerization.
Primary Health Care; Health Services Accessibility; Eletronic Health Records
Use of electronic health records and primary health care accessibility according to datathe third cycle of the PMAQ-AB
Resumo (abstract):
The use of eletronic health records (EHR) on primary healthcare (PHC) aims for better integration of services and care quality. One of most the critical points of brazilian PHC is access. Objective: analyze through datathe third evaluation cycle of the brazilian Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB) the relationship between the use of electronic health records and the parameters of access of the participant teams. Method: Cross-sectional analytical study with secondary data. Data38,865 primary care teams, 30,346 health units and 140,444 interviewed users were evaluated. Results: The use of EHR was associated with greater care for non-programmed demands (OR 1.664; 95%CI 1.485–1.866), risk and vulnerability assessment (OR 1.329; 95%CI 1.122–1.574) and use of protocols for clinical conducts (OR 1.656; 95%CI 1.530–1.793), in addition to a greater possibility of scheduling consultation by telephone (OR 3.179; 95%CI 3.030–3.335). Services using EHR are more likely to be the patients first contact (OR 1.226; 95%CI 1.171–1.283) and to be sought after in face of urgent health problem (OR 1.198; 95%CI 1.161–1.236). Conclusion: The results point to a concrete possibility of improving access through computerization.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Primary Health Care; Health Services Accessibility; Eletronic Health Records
Valdes, G., Souza, A.S. Uso de prontuário eletrônico e parâmetros de acesso e acolhimento segundo dados do terceiro ciclo do PMAQ-AB. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/jun). [Citado em 07/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/uso-de-prontuario-eletronico-e-parametros-de-acesso-e-acolhimento-segundo-dados-do-terceiro-ciclo-do-pmaqab/18784?id=18784