Considerada uma infecção de alta prevalência em todo o mundo, o papiloma vírus humano (HPV) é um DNA vírus que infecta a mucosa genital e possui grande potencial oncogênico, sendo relacionado ao risco aumentado de lesões do trato genital inferior, como o câncer cervical. Este câncer é responsável pela morte de cerca de 231 mil mulheres por ano no mundo, o que torna o HPV um grande problema para a saúde pública. Sabendo que a maneira mais eficaz e com melhor custo-benefício para controlar uma doença infecciosa é o desenvolvimento de vacinas, duas vacinas profiláticas foram desenvolvidas e aprovadas no Brasil, uma bivalente e outra quadrivalente. Essa revisão de literatura se propõe a apresentar as características do vírus HPV, os tipos de vacinas presentes no mercado, suas indicações e contra-indicações, seus efeitos adversos, sua eficácia, seus títulos de anticorpos (GMT) e seu custo-efetividade.
papiloma vírus humano
vacina HPV
saúde pública
Considered a high prevalence of infection in the world, the human papilloma virus (HPV) is a DNA virus that infects the genital mucosa and has great potential oncogeni, it is related to increased risk of lower genital tract lesions, such as cervical cancer. This cancer is responsible for the deaths of about 231,000 women a year / worldwide, making HPV a major problem for public health. Knowing that the most effective and cost-effective way to control an infectious disease is the development of vaccines, two prophylactic vaccines have been developed and approved in Brazil, a bivalent and a quadrivalent vaccine. This literature review aims to present the characteristics of HPV, types of vaccines on the market, its indications and contraindications, adverse effects, their effectiveness, their antibody titers (GMT) and its cost-effectiveness.
Considered a high prevalence of infection in the world, the human papilloma virus (HPV) is a DNA virus that infects the genital mucosa and has great potential oncogeni, it is related to increased risk of lower genital tract lesions, such as cervical cancer. This cancer is responsible for the deaths of about 231,000 women a year / worldwide, making HPV a major problem for public health. Knowing that the most effective and cost-effective way to control an infectious disease is the development of vaccines, two prophylactic vaccines have been developed and approved in Brazil, a bivalent and a quadrivalent vaccine. This literature review aims to present the characteristics of HPV, types of vaccines on the market, its indications and contraindications, adverse effects, their effectiveness, their antibody titers (GMT) and its cost-effectiveness.