0297/2020 - Velocidade de crescimento de crianças de uma coorte até o sexto mês de vida Growth rate of children in a cohort up to the sixth month of life
Objetivos: Investigar fatores que contribuíram na velocidade de crescimento de crianças até o sexto mês de vida. Métodos: Coorte com 144 crianças observadas ao nascimento e no primeiro, segundo e sexto mês de vida. As velocidades de perímetro cefálico (cm/mês), peso (g/dia) e comprimento (cm/mês) foram comparadas segundo características ao nascimento, da gravidez, maternas, da família e relacionadas à alimentação, adoecimento e cuidados de saúde da criança. Resultados: O sexo feminino e a dificuldade de amamentar contribuíram com a desaceleração das três velocidades de crescimento; a não vacinação materna contra o tétano, as velocidades de perímetro cefálico e comprimento. Transtorno mental materno grave, insegurança alimentar moderada/grave, consumo de mingau e o não acompanhamento da criança influenciaram as velocidades de perímetro cefálico e peso. Uso de bebida alcoólica durante a gravidez, parto cesariano, aleitamento materno misto/predominante, uso de fórmula infantil e episódios de diarreia/vômito influenciaram a velocidade de perímetro cefálico; pré-natal inadequado, ade peso; mães baixinhas e uso chupeta, a de comprimento. Conclusão: Sobressaem fatores modificáveis como o consumo de mingau e de fórmula infantil e o uso de chupeta que têm em comum a relação com o aleitamento materno do lactente.
Crescimento, Aleitamento materno, Lactente.
Objectives: To investigate factors that contributed to the growth rate of childrenbirth to six months of life. Methods: This is a cohort study with 144 children observed at birth and in the first, second and sixth months of life. Children’s head circumference (cm/month), weight (g/day) and length (cm/month) rates werecompared according to characteristics at birth, pregnancy, maternal, family and related to the child\'s food, illness and health care. Results: The female sex and the difficulty of breastfeeding contributed to the deceleration of the three growth rates; maternal non-tetanus vaccination influenced head circumference and length rates. Severe maternal mental disorder, moderate/severe food insecurity, porridge consumption and non-follow-up of the child influenced the head circumference and weight rates. Use of alcohol during pregnancy, cesarean delivery, mixed/predominant breastfeeding, use of infant formula and episodes of diarrhea/vomiting influenced head circumference rate; inadequate prenatal, the weight rate; short mothers and pacifier use, the length rate. Conclusion: Modifiable factors as the consumption of porridge and infant formula and the use of pacifier that have a common relationship with breastfeeding of infants stand out.
Growth rate of children in a cohort up to the sixth month of life
Resumo (abstract):
Objectives: To investigate factors that contributed to the growth rate of childrenbirth to six months of life. Methods: This is a cohort study with 144 children observed at birth and in the first, second and sixth months of life. Children’s head circumference (cm/month), weight (g/day) and length (cm/month) rates werecompared according to characteristics at birth, pregnancy, maternal, family and related to the child\'s food, illness and health care. Results: The female sex and the difficulty of breastfeeding contributed to the deceleration of the three growth rates; maternal non-tetanus vaccination influenced head circumference and length rates. Severe maternal mental disorder, moderate/severe food insecurity, porridge consumption and non-follow-up of the child influenced the head circumference and weight rates. Use of alcohol during pregnancy, cesarean delivery, mixed/predominant breastfeeding, use of infant formula and episodes of diarrhea/vomiting influenced head circumference rate; inadequate prenatal, the weight rate; short mothers and pacifier use, the length rate. Conclusion: Modifiable factors as the consumption of porridge and infant formula and the use of pacifier that have a common relationship with breastfeeding of infants stand out.
Lins, A.C.L, Pedraza, D.F. Velocidade de crescimento de crianças de uma coorte até o sexto mês de vida. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/set). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/velocidade-de-crescimento-de-criancas-de-uma-coorte-ate-o-sexto-mes-de-vida/17779?id=17779