0120/2013 - Violência Conjugal: as Controvérsias no relato dos parceiros íntimos em Inquéritos Policiais Conjugal Violence: Controversies in the reporting of intimate partners in Police Investigations
Este artigo investiga as motivações da violência conjugal segundo os depoimentos de homens e mulheres registrados nos inquéritos policiais (IP) da 6ª Delegacia de Polícia de Proteção à Mulher, à Criança e Adolescente de Florianópolis/Santa Catarina, referentes ao ano de 2010. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quanti-qualitativa realizada entre agosto e novembro de 2011. Foram analisadas as informações obtidas nos inquéritos sobre violência doméstica perpetrada pelo companheiro ou ex-companheiro e que continham o depoimento do casal, totalizando 172 IP. Os aspectos selecionados para a análise referem-se ao perfil do casal, e aos relatos da violência segundo a mulher e o homem. Os resultados apontaram que a maioria dos casais eram separados ou divorciados, com idade entre 31 e 40 anos, estavam empregados e conviveram entre um e onze anos. As agressões ocorreram em função do uso de drogas e ciúme, os homens ao assumirem a violência exercida culpam a mulher de serem responsáveis por seus atos ou minimizam a situação, e acrescentam serem vítimas de violência cometida pela companheira. O estudo conclui que questões culturais de gênero e socioecônomicas estão relacionadas a este tipo de violência, e demonstrou que os homens não reconhecem suas atitudes como violentas, banalizando na maioria das vezes as consequências dessa violência, seja física, psicológica ou sexual.
Violência Doméstica
Violência contra a mulher
Maus-tratos conjugais
This article analyzes the motivations of domestic violence according to the testimonies of men and women registered in Police Investigations (IP) of the 6th Woman, Child and Adolescent’s Police Station in Florianópolis / Santa Catarina, for the year 2010. This is a quantitative and qualitative research conducted between August and November 2011. We analyzed the information obtained in the investigation of domestic violence perpetrated by partners or ex-partners and containing the testimony of the couple, totaling 172 IP. The issues selected for analysis refer to the profile of the couple, and the reports of violence according to the woman and the man. The results showed that most couples were separated or divorced, aged between 31 and 40 years, and employees, who lived together among one and eleven years. The assaults occurred due to drug use and jealousy, men blame the woman for being responsible for his acts or minimize the situation, and add being victims of violence committed by partner. The study concludes that cultural issues of gender and socioeconomic characteristics are related to this type of violence, and demonstrated that men do not recognize their actions as violent, most often trivialize the consequences of violence, whether physical, psychological or sexual.
domestic violence
violence against women
spouse abuse
Conjugal Violence: Controversies in the reporting of intimate partners in Police Investigations
Resumo (abstract):
This article analyzes the motivations of domestic violence according to the testimonies of men and women registered in Police Investigations (IP) of the 6th Woman, Child and Adolescent’s Police Station in Florianópolis / Santa Catarina, for the year 2010. This is a quantitative and qualitative research conducted between August and November 2011. We analyzed the information obtained in the investigation of domestic violence perpetrated by partners or ex-partners and containing the testimony of the couple, totaling 172 IP. The issues selected for analysis refer to the profile of the couple, and the reports of violence according to the woman and the man. The results showed that most couples were separated or divorced, aged between 31 and 40 years, and employees, who lived together among one and eleven years. The assaults occurred due to drug use and jealousy, men blame the woman for being responsible for his acts or minimize the situation, and add being victims of violence committed by partner. The study concludes that cultural issues of gender and socioeconomic characteristics are related to this type of violence, and demonstrated that men do not recognize their actions as violent, most often trivialize the consequences of violence, whether physical, psychological or sexual.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
domestic violence
violence against women
spouse abuse
Silva, ACLG, Njaine, K, Coelho, EBS. Violência Conjugal: as Controvérsias no relato dos parceiros íntimos em Inquéritos Policiais. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/mar). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/violencia-conjugal-as-controversias-no-relato-dos-parceiros-intimos-em-inqueritos-policiais/12236?id=12236