0506/2018 - Vitellone N. Ciências sociais da seringa: uma sociologia do uso de drogas injetáveis. (Estudos Routledge na sociologia da saúde e doença) Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge; 2017. Vitellone N. Social science of the syringe : a sociology of injecting drug use. (Routledge studies in the sociology of health and illness). Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge; 2017. Includes bibliographical references and index. 138 pages. ISBN 97811
O livro propõe desenvolver metodologias e epistemologias do uso de drogas injetáveis para encenar a seringa como objeto de investigação intelectual. Ele se baseia nas metodologias da antropologia social, Ator-Rede-Teoria, empirismo de Deleuze e novo materialismo feminista. Este livro aborda a história da redução de danos. Avalia as conseqüências e restrições, riscos e custos da política de troca de seringas para fins de prevenção de danos e pesquisa em saúde e situa a seringa no centro da pesquisa empírica e análise teórica, desafiando os relatos existentes de injeção de drogas que tratam a seringa como um dispositivo morto que simplesmente facilita a ação social entre os seres humanos.
Aspectos sociais de abuso de drogas, Compartilhamento de agulhas, Agulhas hipodérmicas, Saúde pública.
Social Science of the Syringe develops methodologies and epistemologies of injecting drug use to enact the syringe as an object of intellectual inquiry. It draws on the methodologies of social anthropology, Actor-Network-Theory, Deleuze’s empiricism and new feminist materialism. This book addresses the history of harm reduction. It evaluates the consequences and constraints, stakes and costs of the policy of needle exchange for the purposes of harm prevention and health research and situates the syringe at the centre of empirical research and theoretical analysis, challenging existing accounts of drug injecting which treat the syringe as a dead device that simply facilitates social action between humans.
Drug abuse social aspects, Needle sharing, Hypodermic needles, Public health.
Vitellone N. Social science of the syringe : a sociology of injecting drug use. (Routledge studies in the sociology of health and illness). Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge; 2017. Includes bibliographical references and index. 138 pages. ISBN 97811
Resumo (abstract):
Social Science of the Syringe develops methodologies and epistemologies of injecting drug use to enact the syringe as an object of intellectual inquiry. It draws on the methodologies of social anthropology, Actor-Network-Theory, Deleuze’s empiricism and new feminist materialism. This book addresses the history of harm reduction. It evaluates the consequences and constraints, stakes and costs of the policy of needle exchange for the purposes of harm prevention and health research and situates the syringe at the centre of empirical research and theoretical analysis, challenging existing accounts of drug injecting which treat the syringe as a dead device that simply facilitates social action between humans.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Drug abuse social aspects, Needle sharing, Hypodermic needles, Public health.
Júnior, H.A. Vitellone N. Ciências sociais da seringa: uma sociologia do uso de drogas injetáveis. (Estudos Routledge na sociologia da saúde e doença) Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge; 2017.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vitellone-n-ciencias-sociais-da-seringa-uma-sociologia-do-uso-de-drogas-injetaveis-estudos-routledge-na-sociologia-da-saude-e-doenca-abingdon-oxon-new-york-ny-routledge-2017/17039?id=17039