0013/2014 - Viver em áreas de risco: Tensões entre gestão de desastres ambientais e os sentidos de risco no cotidiano. Living in areas of risk: Tensions between management of environmental disasters and meanings of risk in everyday life.
Este artigo aborda a gestão dos riscos de desastres ambientais na ótica de pessoas em situações de vulnerabilidade. Tem por base as etapas iniciais da pesquisa Viver em área de risco, desenvolvida com o apoio do CNPq. As informações derivam de múltiplas fontes: atividades de uma organização local (Sociedade Santos Mártires); conversas informais com moradores e lideranças comunitárias da região; histórico das legislações sobre a defesa civil brasileira; matérias de jornal sobre desastres na região e extensa revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Apoiada em vertentes críticas das teorias sociais de risco, o objetivo é entender os processos por meio dos quais os atores dão sentido aos riscos. São abordados três tópicos: a descrição do território, com foco no conceito de vulnerabilidade socioambiental; a rede complexa de atores que performam risco naquele território; a gestão dos riscos por parte de pessoas com foco na vida cotidiana da comunidade. Os resultados preliminares sugerem que para entende a gestão dos riscos na perspectiva das pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade é necessário caracterizar a rede heterogênea de atores que performam o risco nesse território, assim como as múltiplas dimensões da hierarquização desses riscos por parte dos moradores.
riscos; vulnerabilidades;escorregamentos;defesa civil;produção de sentidos;processos psicossociais.
This paper discusses the management of environmental risks by people in vulnerable situations. It is based on the initial phase of a research project concerning Life in risk areas carried out with the financial support of the CNPq. Research data was gathereda variety of sources: participation in activities of a local social organization (Sociedade Santos Mártires); informal conversations with residents and community leaders; legislative history of Brazilian civil defense; newspaper articles about slippages and floods in the region and extensive bibliographic research. Based on social theories of risk, the analysis sought to understand the processes though which people give meaning to risk. Three themes are discussed: a description of the territory, with focus on the notion of socio-environmental vulnerability; the complex network of actors that perform risk in this territory; local risk management with a focus on everyday life in the community. The preliminary results suggest that in order to understand risk management in situations of vulnerability it is necessary to take into account the heterogeneous network of actors that perform risk in the territory as well as the multiple dimensions of risk hierarchies for people who live in these settings.
Living in areas of risk: Tensions between management of environmental disasters and meanings of risk in everyday life.
Resumo (abstract):
This paper discusses the management of environmental risks by people in vulnerable situations. It is based on the initial phase of a research project concerning Life in risk areas carried out with the financial support of the CNPq. Research data was gathereda variety of sources: participation in activities of a local social organization (Sociedade Santos Mártires); informal conversations with residents and community leaders; legislative history of Brazilian civil defense; newspaper articles about slippages and floods in the region and extensive bibliographic research. Based on social theories of risk, the analysis sought to understand the processes though which people give meaning to risk. Three themes are discussed: a description of the territory, with focus on the notion of socio-environmental vulnerability; the complex network of actors that perform risk in this territory; local risk management with a focus on everyday life in the community. The preliminary results suggest that in order to understand risk management in situations of vulnerability it is necessary to take into account the heterogeneous network of actors that perform risk in the territory as well as the multiple dimensions of risk hierarchies for people who live in these settings.
Spink, M.J. Viver em áreas de risco: Tensões entre gestão de desastres ambientais e os sentidos de risco no cotidiano.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2014/jun). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/viver-em-areas-de-risco-tensoes-entre-gestao-de-desastres-ambientais-e-os-sentidos-de-risco-no-cotidiano/14996?id=14996