0337/2022 - Bones health education program for older people: an integrative review
Programas de educação sobre saúde óssea para idosos: uma revisão integrativa


• Emerson Moura Ribeiro - Ribeiro, E.M. - <mersonribeiro@outlook.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2582-9152


• Elzivânia de Carvalho Silva - Silva, E.C. - <elzivania.carvalho@mail.uft.edu.br>
• Thais Araujo Borges - Borges, T.A. - <araujo.borges@mail.uft.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2910-3743
• Eduardo Aoki Ribeiro Sera - Sera, E.A.R. - <eduardosera@live.com>
• Andreia Travassos - Travassos, A. - <andreia-travassos@hotmail.com>
• Matheus Freire Dias - Dias, M.F. - <matheus.freire@mail.uft.edu.br>
• Neil Barbosa Osorio - Neil Barbosa Osorio - <neilaosorio@uft.edu.br>
• Luiz Sinésio Silva Neto - Silva Neto, L.S. - <luizneto@uft.edu.br>


Osteoporosis is a systemic disease characterized by reduced bone mineral density. The dissemination of knowledge about the disease can be a viable alternative for preventive and self-care attitudes. Thus, this article seeks to identify how bone health programs for the elderly are. This is an integrative review of studies published between 2011 and 2022 in the Capes Periodicals, Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar databases in English. A total of 10,093 studies were found, 7 being selected after the inclusion criteria. It was possible to verify that bone health education programs aim to empower the elderly by increasing knowledge about the disease, raising awareness about the consumption of calcium and vitamin D or medications for osteoporosis, changes in habits and the practice of physical exercises. The programs are usually carried out with group or individual meetings, with sessions of 50 to 60 minutes, with or without delimiting the number of individuals in each one. It is noted that following the evolution of the educational process is also important. The contextualization of the themes along with the reality and interest of the elderly seems to be another positive way to awaken self-care attitudes.


Health promotion; Health education; Bone health; Osteoporosis


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Ribeiro, E.M., Silva, E.C., Borges, T.A., Sera, E.A.R., Travassos, A., Dias, M.F., Neil Barbosa Osorio, Silva Neto, L.S.. Bones health education program for older people: an integrative review. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/Nov). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/bones-health-education-program-for-older-people-an-integrative-review/18593?id=18593

