0278/2017 - Identification of priority Health Regions in Rio Grande do Sul for Health Surveillance actions.
Identificação das Regiões de Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul prioritárias para ações de Vigilância em Saúde.


• Renata Petzhold Mondini - Mondini, RP - <renata.mondini@yahoo.com.br>


• Ivone Andreatta Menegolla - Menegolla, IA - <menegollai@gmail.com>
• Eduardo viegas da silva - Silva, EV - <eduardo-silva@saude.rs.gov.br>


Identify the priority Health Regions in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) to implement actions that strengthen Health Surveillance. Descriptive study with datahistorical series of 11 (eleven) Health Surveillance indicatorsof the Ministry of Health guidelines, Objectives, Targets and Indicators for 2016,agreed by the Bipartite Interagency Committee / RS. The ed indicators are synthesized to produce a Composite Health Surveillance Assessment Indicator (ICAVES) for each of the 30 Health Regions of the state, creating values ranging0 (worst) to 1 (best), using as calculation method the one used to build the Human Development Index (HDI). The lowest indexes of the composite indicator are in the Health Regions: 20-Production Route and 19-Botucaraí Region. The Health Regions 20 and 19 are priorities for the strengthening of health surveillance actions of collective scope and the management of risks and aggravations to health considering horizontal equity as attribute of the Unified Health System.


Public Health Surveillance, Regional Health Planning, Health Status Indicators, Health Priorities, Health Equity


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Mondini, RP, Menegolla, IA, Silva, EV. Identification of priority Health Regions in Rio Grande do Sul for Health Surveillance actions.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/identification-of-priority-health-regions-in-rio-grande-do-sul-for-health-surveillance-actions/16330?id=16330

