0165/2017 - Josué de castro and the brazilian social thought.
Josué de castro e o pensamento social brasileiro.


• Mercês de Fátima Fátima Dos Santos Silva - Dos Santos Silva, Mercês de Fátima Fátima - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - <merces20@yahoo.com.br>


• Everardo Duarte Nunes - Everardo, D.N - Campinas, - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) - <evernunes@uol.com.br> +
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2285-7473

Thematic Area:

Ciências Sociais


This article points out that the work of Josué de Castro brings out some of the most relevant interpretations about the Brazilian food situation, launching the first propositional manifesto for the construction of a social policy on food in Brazil. Behind this debate there are aspects of the process of construction of the Nation State, the national development and the role of the Brazilian intellectuals. Such issues join the author’s concern on the formation of propositional actions that could lead to social change and redefinitions on the conditions of social exclusion of a significant portion of the Brazilian population. We startthe assertion that his work is part of broader interpretations about Brazil, which needs to be revisited.


Josué de CastroGeography of HungerBrazilian social Thought


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