1556/2011 - Quality of life of professors of communitarian higher education institutions: relations between environment and health
Qualidade de vida de professores de Instituições de Ensino Superior Comunitárias do Rio Grande do Sul


• Lydia Koetz - Koetz, Lydia C. E. - Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul - Univates - Centro Universitário - <lkoetz@gmail.com>


• REMPEL, Claudete - REMPEL, C. - Univates - Centro Universitário - <crempel@univates.br>
• Eduardo Périco - Perico, E - Univates - Centro Universitário - <perico@univates.br>

Thematic Area:

Saúde e Ambiente


Life quality can be understood as the subjects’ perception of their status in society, permeated by culture, values and everyday life and with a view to their life aims and expectations as well as the ways of thinking about their life. This study aimed at investigating the quality of life of professors of non-confessional communitarian higher education institutions that have been in operation for more than 40 years and have more than ten thousand students in Rio Grande do Sul. The research, with a qualitative-quantitative approach and transverse section, was carried out in August and September 2011 through a professional profile questionnaire and the WHOQQL-bref questionnaire. 203 professors participated in this research, 17% of the total professors of the three institutions analyzed. When the life quality rate was analyzed according to the teachers’ education, the 22 specialists showed the highest score in the psychological field (72,1 ± 3,1) and the lowest in the social field (69,3 ± 4,4). Among the 125 masters and the 43 doctors, the highest scores were found in the physical field ((74,8 ± 1,3 e 75,7 ± 2,1, respectively) and the lowest in the environmental field (69,4 ±1,0 e 70,8 ± 1,8). It is concluded that the quality of life rate of the professors was considered good in the fields analyzed. There was no significant statistical difference among the fields(H=6,9; p=0,0745)


Quality of life. Worker’s health. Environment.


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Koetz, Lydia C. E., REMPEL, C., Perico, E. Quality of life of professors of communitarian higher education institutions: relations between environment and health. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/Oct). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/quality-of-life-of-professors-of-communitarian-higher-education-institutions-relations-between-environment-and-health/8805

