0345/2017 - Social inequalities in limitations caused by chronic diseases and disabilities in Brazil: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde - 2013.
Desigualdades sociais nas limitações causadas por doenças crônicas e deficiências no Brasil: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde – 2013.
• Patrícia Moraes Boccolini - Boccolini, PM - <patriciaboccolini@yahoo.com.br>Co-author(s):
• Cristina Maria Rabelais Duarte - Duarte, CMR - <crisrabelais@gmail.com>• Miguel Abud Marcelino Abud Marcelino - Abud Marcelino, Miguel Abud Marcelino - <migmarc08@hotmail.com>
• Cristiano Siqueira Boccolini - Boccolini, C.S. - <cristianoboccolini@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4804-5641
Objective: To evaluate the association between social inequalities and self report of limitations for the performance of activities of daily living due chronic diseases or disabilities.Methodology: National survey (National Health Survey, 2013) that evaluated a sample of Brazilians 18+ years old (n = 60,202). The outcome was individual self reported limitations of their usual activities (moderately, severely or severely limited - LIMIT) due to one or more chronic diseases, or due to mental, physical, hearing or motor disabilities. The main exposure was the socioeconomic class, classified into five categories, rangingA (richest) to E (poorer). We estimated a logistic regression model adjusted by socioeconomic class and confounding variables, considering the complex design of the sample and alpha = 5%
Results: 15.5% of individuals reported having LIMIT. Comparing social classes, 19.5%, 21.9%, 16.1%, 11.1%, and 7.7% individuals belonging to class E, D, C, B and A reported the outcome. The adjusted model showed a higher chance of individuals in class D + E (Adjusted Odds Ratio - AOR = 1.67, 95% CI = 1.43-1.95), and D (AOR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.23- 1.59), report LIMIT than indi-viduals of class A + B (reference).
Conclusions: public policies for health care and social assistance for people with disabilities should focus on individuals of social classes E and D.