0263/2017 - Spatial distribution of use the pesticides in brazil: a strategy for health surveillance.
Distribuição espacial do uso de agrotóxicos no brasil: uma ferramenta para a vigilância em saúde.


• Wanderley Pignati - Pignati, W - <pignatimt@gmail.com>


• Francco Antonio Neri de Souza e Lima - Lima, FANS - <franccoantonio@gmail.com>
• Stephanie Sommerfeld de Lara - Lara, SS - <Stephanie_sommerfeld@hotmail.com>
• Marcia Leopoldina Montanari Corrêa - Corrêa, MLM - <marcialmontanari@gmail.com>
• Jackson Rogerio Barbosa - Barbosa, JR - <casesdobrasil@gmail.com>
• Luís Henrique da Costa Leão - Leão, L. H. C. - CAMPOS DOS GOYTACAZES, - <luisleaoufmt@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0166-5066
• Marta Gislene Pignatti - Pignatti, M. G. - Cuiabá, Mato Grosso - <martagp@terra.com.br> +


The intensive use of pesticides in Brazilian agriculture is a relevant public health problem due to contamination of the environment, food and intoxications in human health. The aim was show the spatial distribution of the planted area of agricultural crops, the use of pesticides and related health problems, as a health surveillance strategy. Data were obtainedthe planted area of 21 predominant crops, indicators of the consumption of pesticides per hectare for each crop and notifications health problems. The amount of pesticides used in the Brazilian municipalities was spatially distributed and correlated with the incidence of pesticides poisoning: acute, subacute (malformation) and chronic (childhood and juvenile cancer). There was a predominance of soy, corn and sugarcane crops, which together corresponded to 76% of the area planted in Brazil in 2015. 899 million liters of pesticides were sprayed in these crops, Mato Grosso, Paraná and Rio Grande Sul used the largest quantities, respectively. The health problems presented positive and significant correlations for regions of high consumption of pesticides. The methodological strategy made it possible to identify priority municipalities for health surveillance and the development of intersectoral actions to prevent and mitigate the impacts of pesticides on health and the environment.


Spatial Distribution; Pesticides; Agribusiness; Health Surveillance.


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Pignati, W, Lima, FANS, Lara, SS, Corrêa, MLM, Barbosa, JR, Leão, L. H. C., Pignatti, M. G.. Spatial distribution of use the pesticides in brazil: a strategy for health surveillance.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/spatial-distribution-of-use-the-pesticides-in-brazil-a-strategy-for-health-surveillance/16315?id=16315

