1718/2011 - When a proposition does not become policy? The case of the National Integral Health Care for Adolescents and Youth – PNAISAJ in Brazil.
Quando uma proposição não se converte política? O caso da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde de Adolescentes e Jovens - PNAISAJ.


• Silvia Brãna Lopez - López, S.B. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Instituto Fernandes Figueira - <sbrana@openlink.com.br>


• Marta Cristina Nunes Moreira - Moreira, MCN - Instituto Fernandes Figueira - <moreira@iff.fiocruz.br>

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


The last three decades have been plenty of the establishment of public policies for the integral health care for several population extracts in Brazil. This article purposes to present the partial results of the narratives analysis of actors that participated at the construction of the proposed National Policy on Integral Health Care for Adolescents and Youth – PNAISAJ in Brazil, in order to explore the dissensions observed in this process. The analysis was based on the narratives of eight actors that participated in the process and searched to identify the thematic units that express such dissensions by a comprehensible reading based on Bourdieu‘s sociological perspective. We conclude that the non-legitimacy of a national policy for this population expresses the non-recognition of adolescents and young people in their self-government and protagonism on policy decisions which affect themselves. Although youth participation in political texts be stated as a new paradigm for integral health care promotion for adolescents and young people, we conclude that, culturally, what prevails is the legitimacy of other meanings. Meanings deliberate according to the interests and understanding of adolescence and youth for social levels over extended, constituting as cultural policies.


Health public policies adolescents and young people youth protagonism cultural policies


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López, S.B., Moreira, MCN. When a proposition does not become policy? The case of the National Integral Health Care for Adolescents and Youth – PNAISAJ in Brazil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/Nov). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/when-a-proposition-does-not-become-policy-the-case-of-the-national-integral-health-care-for-adolescents-and-youth-pnaisaj-in-brazil/9014

