0414/2023 - Modelos de Organização da Atenção Básica e Práticas de Cuidado à Pessoa com Deficiência no Brasil Primary Health Organization Models and Care Practices for People with Disabilities in Brazil
A Rede de Cuidado à Pessoa com Deficiência (RCPD) propõe a ampliação do acesso e qualificação da atenção à saúde das pessoas com deficiência (PcD) com participação da Atenção Básica (AB), mas poucos estudos investigam seu papel no cuidado à essa população. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a associação entre o Modelo de Organização da AB e as práticas de saúde voltadas às PcD nesse nível de atenção. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 1.377 profissionais de nível superior da AB em oito estados brasileiros, recorte da pesquisa REDECIN-BRASIL. Foi realizada uma regressão logística para estimar a associação entre os Modelo AB tradicional e ESF e a frequência das práticas voltadas às PcD. O Modelo AB Tradicional apresentou uma associação positiva e estatisticamente significante à uma menor frequência de práticas voltadas a PcD na AB, em comparação com o Modelo da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF), com ajuste da regressão para o conhecimento sobre a RCPD (OR: 4,10; IC95%: 3,06 - 5,48). Acompanhamento pré-natal, atendimento domiciliar e educação em saúde são práticas mais frequentes no Modelo ESF, porém, criação de linhas de cuidado, protocolos clínicos, ações intersetoriais e articulação com recursos comunitários ainda são desafios para ambos os modelos. A ESF se apresenta enquanto melhor modelo para ofertar cuidado e garantir acesso qualificado à PcD.
Pessoas com Deficiência, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Serviços de Saúde para Pessoas com Deficiência
The Care Network for Persons with Disabilities proposes expanding access and qualification of health care for people with disabilities through Primary Health Care (PHC), but few studies investigate the role of PHC in caring for this population. The aim of this study was to estimate the association between the PHC Organization Model and health practices aimed at PwD at this level of care. Cross-sectional study with 1,377 higher education PHC professionals in eight Brazilian states, part of the REDECIN-BRASIL survey. A logistic regression was performed to estimate the association between the Traditional Health Care Services Model (THCSM) and the frequency of practices aimed at PwD. The THCSM showed a positive and statistically significant association with a lower frequency of practices aimed at PwD in PHC, compared to the Family Health Strategy Model, with regression adjustment for professional knowledge about the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities (OR: 4.10; 95% CI: 3.06 - 5.48). Prenatal care, home care and health education are more frequent practices in the Family Health Strategy Model, however, creating lines of care, clinical protocols, intersectoral actions and articulation with community resources are still challenges for both models. The Family Health Strategy Model presents itself as the best model to offer care and guarantee qualified access to PwD
Disabled Persons; Primary Health Care; Health Services for Persons with Disabilities
Primary Health Organization Models and Care Practices for People with Disabilities in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The Care Network for Persons with Disabilities proposes expanding access and qualification of health care for people with disabilities through Primary Health Care (PHC), but few studies investigate the role of PHC in caring for this population. The aim of this study was to estimate the association between the PHC Organization Model and health practices aimed at PwD at this level of care. Cross-sectional study with 1,377 higher education PHC professionals in eight Brazilian states, part of the REDECIN-BRASIL survey. A logistic regression was performed to estimate the association between the Traditional Health Care Services Model (THCSM) and the frequency of practices aimed at PwD. The THCSM showed a positive and statistically significant association with a lower frequency of practices aimed at PwD in PHC, compared to the Family Health Strategy Model, with regression adjustment for professional knowledge about the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities (OR: 4.10; 95% CI: 3.06 - 5.48). Prenatal care, home care and health education are more frequent practices in the Family Health Strategy Model, however, creating lines of care, clinical protocols, intersectoral actions and articulation with community resources are still challenges for both models. The Family Health Strategy Model presents itself as the best model to offer care and guarantee qualified access to PwD
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Disabled Persons; Primary Health Care; Health Services for Persons with Disabilities
Silva, M. M., Saldanha, J.H.S, Tavares, L.R.C, Ribeiro, K. S. Q. S., da Silva, S. L. A, Ferrari, F.P, NOGUEIRA, R. R., de Almeida, M.M.C. Modelos de Organização da Atenção Básica e Práticas de Cuidado à Pessoa com Deficiência no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/dez). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/modelos-de-organizacao-da-atencao-basica-e-praticas-de-cuidado-a-pessoa-com-deficiencia-no-brasil/19040?id=19040