Apresentamos os resultados da Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto de 2016 (PNA 2016) e os comparamos aos da PNA 2010 quanto ao perfil das mulheres e a magnitude do aborto. A pesquisa se baseou em um levantamento domiciliar que combina técnica de urna e entrevistas face-a-face com mulheres de 18 a 39 anos, com amostra representativado Brasil urbano. Os resultados indicam que o aborto é um fenômeno frequente e persistenteentre as mulheres de todas as classes sociais, grupos raciais, níveis educacionais e religiões: em 2016, 1 em cada 5 mulheres, aos 40 anos já realizou, pelo menos, um aborto. Em 2015, foram, aproximadamente,417 mil mulheres. Há, no entanto, heterogeneidade dentro dos grupos sociais, com maior frequência do aborto entre mulheres de menor escolaridade, pretas, pardas e indígenas, vivendo nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Como já mostrado pela PNA 2010, o principal método de aborto é o medicamentoso, e metade das mulheres precisou ficar internada para finalizar o aborto.
Aborto induzido
Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto
História reprodutiva
Técnica de urna
We present the results of the Brazilian National Abortion Survey 2016 (PNA 2016) and compare them to those obtained in the PNA 2010 for the profile of women and the magnitude of abortion. The survey is a household random sample survey that combines questionnaires using the ballot-box technique and face to face interviews with women aged 18 to 39 years in the urban areas of Brazil. The results show that abortion is frequent and persistent among women of all social classes, racial groups, educational levels and religions: in 2016, 1 in each 5 women, at the age of 40 year has already performed at least one abortion. In 2015, approximately 417 thousand women aborted. There is, however, within group heterogeneity, with a higher frequency of abortion among women of lower educational level, black, brown and indigenous, living in the North, Northeastern and Mid-western regions of the country. In line with PNA 2010, most women took medicine to abort and half of all women were hospitalized to finish the abortion.
Aborto induzido
Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto
História reprodutiva
Técnica de urna
We present the results of the Brazilian National Abortion Survey 2016 (PNA 2016) and compare them to those obtained in the PNA 2010 for the profile of women and the magnitude of abortion. The survey is a household random sample survey that combines questionnaires using the ballot-box technique and face to face interviews with women aged 18 to 39 years in the urban areas of Brazil. The results show that abortion is frequent and persistent among women of all social classes, racial groups, educational levels and religions: in 2016, 1 in each 5 women, at the age of 40 year has already performed at least one abortion. In 2015, approximately 417 thousand women aborted. There is, however, within group heterogeneity, with a higher frequency of abortion among women of lower educational level, black, brown and indigenous, living in the North, Northeastern and Mid-western regions of the country. In line with PNA 2010, most women took medicine to abort and half of all women were hospitalized to finish the abortion.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Aborto induzido
Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto
História reprodutiva
Técnica de urna
Diniz, D, Madeiro, A., Medeiros, M.. Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto 2016. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/pesquisa-nacional-de-aborto-2016/15912?id=15912