0004/2018 - Tipos de leite e sua contribuição na ingestão diária de sódio e cálcio. Types of milk and its contribution in daily sodium and calcium ingestion.
O baixo consumo de cálcio e elevado de sódio por adolescentes configura um sério problema de saúde pública. A biodisponibilidade e o teor de cálcio contido no leite fazem dele a melhor opção no atendimento a Ingestão Dietética Recomendada (IDR) desse nutriente. Como o leite pode contribuir para a ingestão de sódio, a realização de programas que visem aumentar o seu consumo deve ser precedida de ações para diminuir o teor de sódio nele presente. O conhecimento dos teores de cálcio e sódio presentes nos leites industrializados é fundamental para que se estabeleça a quantidade adequada a ser consumida. O estudo realizado visou quantificar o cálcio e o sódio de leites em pó e ultrapasteurizados comercializados em supermercados da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e estimar a quantidade a ser consumida para atingir as necessidades diárias de cálcio e o impacto sobre a ingestão de sódio. O cálcio foi quantificado por volumetria e o sódio por fotometria de chama. Os teores médios de cálcio e sódio do leite em pó (mg/26g) foram, respectivamente, 262,5±5,1mg e 116,8±3,1mg, e do leite ultrapasteurizado (mg/200mL) foram, respectivamente, 246,0±10,3mg e 162,5±16,3mg. Para atingir a IDR do cálcio, pelo consumo de leite, os adolescentes consumiriam 584mg de sódio pelo leite em pó (39% da IDR) e 812,5mg pelo ultrapasteurizado (54% da IDR).
Leite; Cálcio; Sódio; Adolescentes.
The low consumption of calcium and high of sodium for adolescents configures a serious problem of public health. The bioavailability and the amount of calcium contained in milk makes it the best choice to meeting the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for that nutrient. As the milk can contribute to sodium intake, the realization of programs with the intention of increasing their consumption should be preceded by actions to reduce the sodium content in it. The knowledge of the levels of calcium and sodium present in processed milk is essential in order to establish the adequate amount to be consumed. The study aimed to quantify calcium and sodium content of powders milk and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milks marketed in supermarkets in the city of Rio de Janeiro and estimate the amount of milk to be consumed to achieve the daily requirements of calcium and the impact on the intake of sodium. The calcium content was quantified by volumetry and sodium by flame photometry. The mean levels of calcium and sodium of the powder milk (mg/26g) were, respectively, (262.5±5.1)mg and (116.8±3.1)mg, and of the UHT milk (mg/200mL) (246.0±10.3)mg and (162.5±16.3)mg. To achieve the DRI of calcium, by the consumption of milk, the intake of sodium it would be 584mg by consumption of powdered milk (39% DRI) and 812, 5 mg by UHT milk (54% DRI).
Types of milk and its contribution in daily sodium and calcium ingestion.
Resumo (abstract):
The low consumption of calcium and high of sodium for adolescents configures a serious problem of public health. The bioavailability and the amount of calcium contained in milk makes it the best choice to meeting the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for that nutrient. As the milk can contribute to sodium intake, the realization of programs with the intention of increasing their consumption should be preceded by actions to reduce the sodium content in it. The knowledge of the levels of calcium and sodium present in processed milk is essential in order to establish the adequate amount to be consumed. The study aimed to quantify calcium and sodium content of powders milk and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milks marketed in supermarkets in the city of Rio de Janeiro and estimate the amount of milk to be consumed to achieve the daily requirements of calcium and the impact on the intake of sodium. The calcium content was quantified by volumetry and sodium by flame photometry. The mean levels of calcium and sodium of the powder milk (mg/26g) were, respectively, (262.5±5.1)mg and (116.8±3.1)mg, and of the UHT milk (mg/200mL) (246.0±10.3)mg and (162.5±16.3)mg. To achieve the DRI of calcium, by the consumption of milk, the intake of sodium it would be 584mg by consumption of powdered milk (39% DRI) and 812, 5 mg by UHT milk (54% DRI).
Camara, AO, Moraes, OMG, Rodrigues, L. Tipos de leite e sua contribuição na ingestão diária de sódio e cálcio.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jan). [Citado em 24/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/tipos-de-leite-e-sua-contribuicao-na-ingestao-diaria-de-sodio-e-calcio/16537?id=16537&id=16537