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0373/2024 - Práticas de aleitamento materno e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis entre mães: Comparação da PNS 2013 e 2019 (07/11/2024)
Lorena Pinheiro Barbosa, Kamila Ferreira Lima, Rayanne Branco dos Santos Lima, Francisca Elisângela Teixeira Lima, Bruno Luciano Carneiro Alves de Oliveira, Camila Biazus Dalcin, Anna Gavine, Alison McFadden
Artigo / Tema Livre

Objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência de aleitamento materno nas últimas 24 horas entre mães de crianças menores de 2 anos de idade, categorizando-as com base na presença ou ausência de doenças não transmissíveis. Estudo transversal com dados d...

Rose Elizabeth Cabral Barbosa, Elke Oliveira Santos, Giovanni Campos Fonseca, Nayra Suze Souza e Silva, Rosângela Ramos Veloso Silva, Cristina Andrade Sampaio, Desirée Sant’Ana Haikal
Artigo / Tema Livre

The objective was to estimate the prevalence of suicidal ideation and associated factors among schoolteachers of public schools in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, at the time of resumption of in-person teaching activities post-Covid-19 pandemic. T...

0371/2024 - Stork Network in Pernambuco: a look at the SUS audit in the evaluation of prenatal (06/11/2024)
Vania Nazaré da Costa Silva, Daphne Rattner, Rosamaria Giatti Carneiro, Antonio Flaudiano Bem Leite
Artigo / Tema Livre

The Stork Network (Rede Cegonha – SN) strategy was created to guarantee the completeness of the care line and intervene in the high rates of maternal and infant mortality. The study aimed to measure the actions carried out by the SN audit in the mu...

0370/2024 - Occupational violence in the nursing field during the pandemic: a network analysis (06/11/2024)
Camila Lima Silva, Tatiane Araújo dos Santos, Paulo Felipe Ribeiro Bandeira, Fernanda Carneiro Mussi, Handerson Silva Santos, Luciano de Paula Moura, Jones Sidnei Barbosa de Oliviera, Bruno Guimarães de Almeida
Artigo / Tema Livre

The work environment is a place subjectivities are produced based on individual perceptions and their singularities. Workplace violence may be present among the possible encounters and disagreements in the work environment. This article aims to inve...

Jádisson Gois Silva, Cristiano Mezzaroba
Artigo de Revisão

The focus of this study is on media discourses about fat bodies, which promote fatphobia. The aim was to problematize the media content and discourses present on Brazilian digital news platforms concerning fat bodies. Methodologically, it is characte...

0368/2024 - Assessment of professional training on the topic of accidents and violence in the Unified Health System (06/11/2024)
Edinilsa Ramos de Souza, Kathie Njaine, Adalgisa Peixoto Ribeiro, Simone Gonçalves de Assis, Cristiane Batista Andrade, Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo -
Artigo Temático

Accidents and violence are complex topics and require professional training. We evaluated how the training of SUS professionals on accidents and violence is being implemented at different levels: primary care, pre-hospital, hospital and rehabilitatio...

0367/2024 - Analysis of the implementation of pre-hospital and hospital care for cases of accidents and violence in Brazil (06/11/2024)
Adalgisa Peixoto Ribeiro, Graziella Lage Oliveira, Andrea Maria Silveira, Joviana Quintes Avanci
Artigo Temático

Accidents and violence require health care at different levels. The implementation of two guidelines of the National Policy for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality from Accidents and Violence (PNRMAV) regarding pre-hospital care (APH) and hospital care ...

0366/2024 - Interventions for preventing sexual abuse of children and adolescents in school environments: scientific evidence (06/11/2024)
Jessica De Lucca Da Silva, Emanuelly Camargo Tafarello, Letícia Aparecida Lopes Bezerra da Silva, Tereza Setsuko Toma, Fernando Meirinho Domene, Rosana Evangelista Poderoso, Jorge Otávio Maia Barreto
Artigo de Revisão

Children and adolescents are the majority of victims of sexual violence in Brazil, and it is necessary to invest in prevention to ensure healthy child and adolescent development. In 2022, Brazil was in 25th position in the ranking of prevention of se...

