Invisibility is an issue that requires more attention among healthcare professionals, as some activities in Primary Care go unnoticed. An example is the provision of complementary therapies, whose implementation has been fragile and, consequently, ca...
The objective was to analyze the role of nurses in hospital management in the face of COVID-19. The study had a qualitative approach, descriptive, and exploratory. The setting was a hospital that was completely transformed to care for patients with C...
With the confinement imposed by Sars-Cov2, there were changes in family dynamics. For nursing students, this was a subject that generated interest in research. Startingthe question: What is the role of the dog in the family dynamics in times of a pan...
The organizational climate is related to the degree of motivation of its employees. This perception is essentially felt, it is neither seen nor touched, but it has a real existence. This study aims to identify difficulties and potentialities related ...
Scientific research on male reproductive and sexual aspects in Brazil is still in its early stages, mainly due to a lack of updated data to study these dimensions. This article aimed to present and discuss the main available population databases for ...
This study aimed to analyze readmissions for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) in children under 5 years in the Unified Health System (SUS) between the years 2009 and 2015, to identify the main cause groups and associated factors. This retr...
Interaction between those actors involved in Interprofessional Education activities is essential to enable shared learning and improve attitudes towards collaboration. The aim of this study is to present educational interventions in the context of th...
Objetivo: Esta revisão sistemática e metanálise teve como objetivo identificar a prevalência de insuficiência e deficiência de vitamina D em idosos brasileiros. Desenho: Revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Métodos: A busca explorou as plata...