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0331/2023 - How did older and adult men report their long COVID experience? a Health-Disease\'s socioanthropological meaning (30/10/2023)
Roberta Lima Andrade, Lorena de Cerqueira Andrade Braga, Ronisson Santana Reis, Franciele Silva dos Santos, Nadine Ribeiro de Jesus, João Cruz Neto, Éric Santos Almeida, Vinícius de Oliveira Muniz, Anderson Reis de Sousa
Artigo / Tema Livre

This study aims to make explicit the collective subject discourse of adult and elderly men about the experience of long COVID. This is a qualitative study, deriveda national multicenter clinical-virtual observatory, involving 92 adult men, observed b...

0330/2023 - Men who have sex with men negotiating pleasure and prevention through HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (30/10/2023)
Adriano Henrique Caetano Costa, Adriano Caobianco Sant’ana Filho, Isa da Silva Sorrentino, Lorruan Alves dos Santos, Ramiro Fernandez Unsain, Márcia Thereza Couto
Artigo / Tema Livre

Prophylaxis based on antiretrovirals, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis to HIV (PrEP), can potentially protect the most vulnerable populationsthe infection, which renews optimism for the control of the HIV epidemic. Regarding this scenario, this artic...

0329/2023 - Distribuição dos códigos garbage no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade, Brasil, 2000 a 2020 (30/10/2023)
Érika Carvalho de Aquino, Sílvia Lúcia Borowicc, Solange Nice Alves-Souza, Renato Azeredo Teixeira, Lenice Harumi Ishitani, Deborah Carvalho Malta, Otaliba Libânio de Morais Neto
Artigo / Tema Livre

Antecedentes: A análise das causas de morte é essencial para compreender os principais problemas que afetam o nível de saúde da população de uma região ou país. Os Garbage Codes (GC) fornecem poucas informações úteis sobre as causas de mor...

0328/2023 - Clusters Espaço-Temporais de Alto Risco da Mortalidade Infantojuvenil em Mato Grosso, Brasil (27/10/2023)
Mônia Maia Lima, Silvana Granado Nogueira da Gama, Alexsandra Rodrigues de Mendonça Favacho, Reinaldo Souza-Santos
Artigo / Tema Livre

Objetivo: Detectar as áreas de maior risco para óbitos de crianças e adolescentes de 5 a 14 anos no estado de Mato Grosso entre os anos de 2009 e 2020. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, tipo exploratório, cuja unidade de análise foram os municípios....

0327/2023 - Advances and challenges in the transsexualizing process of the brazilian Unified Health System (27/10/2023)
Vitória da Cruz Boldrin, Ruan Dias Rodrigues Coelho, Letícia Carvalho Alves, Edenilson de Souza Teixeira, Sheila Reis de Souza Bernardo, Anacely Guimarães Costa
Artigo de Revisão

The implementation of the Transsexualizing Process (PrTr) in the Unified Health System (SUS) was the result of social struggles by the LGBT community for sexual rights, gender identity construction, and bodily autonomy. The objective of this article ...

0326/2023 - The CEP-Conep System in 2020: coping with the Covid-19, challenges and lessons learned (26/10/2023)
Carlos Cezar Flores Vidotti, Ângela Esher, Claudia Garcia Serpas Osorio de Castro
Artigo / Tema Livre

This paper presents the structuring dimensions of the CEP-Conep System in order to understand the actions promoted by the National Research Ethics Commission in response to demands for the processing and ethical analysis of research protocols related...

0325/2023 - Performance of the “A Body Shape Index” as a discriminator of obesity and sarcopenic obesity. (26/10/2023)
Jane Kellen Silva, Odaleia Barbosa de Aguiar, Maria de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz, José Ueleres Braga, Rosane Harter Griep, Maria de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca
Artigo / Tema Livre

The objective was to determine the diagnostic performance of ABSI for obesity and sarcopenic obesity, compared with bioimpedance (BIA) and BMI results, by sex and age group. This is a cross-sectional study with 12,793 participants in wave 2 of the EL...

0324/2023 - Interaction between pollutant and temperature and hospitalization of children in Cuiabá, MT. (26/10/2023)
Luiz Fernando Costa Nascimento, Ana Cristina Gobbo César, João Andrade de Carvalho Jr
Artigo / Tema Livre

This study evaluated the role of temperature and fine particulate matter in hospitalizations of children living in Cuiabá, MT, obtainedDATASUS, between 01/01/2016 and 12/31/2018. Daily concentrations of the fine particulate matter pollutant were est...

