The arrival of Covid-19 in Brazil had a great impact on the health system as well as on its professionals, with the high number of cases and constantly published information. In this context, Picaps - Cooperative Intelligence Platform for Primary Hea...
Objective: to analyze public policies and interventions (PPI) in 2022 at the national level for the prevention of excess weight (overweight and obesity) in the adult population of Mexico,an intersectional perspective. Methods: we performed a document...
The objective was to identify, through an integrative review, the approach to motherhood and mothering in a street situation. This is an integrative review carried out in the Pubmed, BIREME, Medline, and SciELO search portal databases, in Portuguese,...
A incidência de parto prematuro tem aumentado em todo o mundo, distribuída de forma desigual por raça/etnia. O racismo gera desigualdades econômicas, disparidades educacionais e acesso diferenciado à saúde, o que aumenta o risco de parto premat...
Esta revisão sistemática (RS) com meta-análise (MA) teve por objetivo identificar os padrões alimentares da população, segundo sexo e etnia, e sua associação com a síndrome metabólica e seus fatores de risco (SM-FR). Foram consultadas as s...
Objective: To evaluate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on malnutrition in under two years of age enrolled in the Bolsa Família Program. Method: Ecological study of interrupted time series, with low weight for age, stunting and overweight as time...
The aim was to analyze the factors associated with polyconsumption of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs among Brazilian schoolchildren aged 13 to 17. Cross-sectional study, with datathe National School Health Survey (2019). The outcome variable was ...
Neste estudo, analisamos associações entre o conhecimento sobre vacinação, intenção de vacinação, ideologia política e crença em teorias da conspiração antes e durante a pandemia da Sars-Cov-2 de 2020 na população brasileira. Foi realiz...