In Brazil, several limitations are imposed on the access of women undergoing abortion to the health care network, under the influence of moral and religious values and gender inequities. The objective was to analyze the experience of women who had an...
Objective: To unveil the useful value about breastfeed for lactating women in prison, based on Max Scheler\'s axiological perspective. Method: Qualitative research of phenomenological type. Developed at the prison unit in Rio de Janeiro, seven lacta...
The study sought to understand the network of meanings constructed intersubjectively by women who survived Maternal Near Miss (NMM) about lapses in care during pregnancy, childbirth and birth, based on Habermas\' theory of communication. A qualitativ...
O objetivo do artigo é identificar etapa da cadeia de abastecimento de alimentos (CAA) com maior perda e desperdício de alimentos (PDA), os fatores que influenciam e os impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais nos países da América Latina. Real...
Ecological study that assessed the frequency of suicides in Brazil in the age group 14-65 years, with data reported in the SIM. Objectives: to describe the temporal trend of suicides in the period 2010-19 and evaluate the socio-occupational profile o...
Objective: To map the quality evidence of records in the Mortality Information System (SIM). Methods: Nationwide scoping review on the quality of SIM records, published until April 11, 2023 in PubMed, Embase, LILACS, Scopus, SciELO and gray literatu...
Violence is a serious public health issue and accounts for a socio-historical phenomenon with various causes and consequences, as well as multiple expressions. The main victims continue to be vulnerable and marginalized populations, in which dimensio...
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 na incidência de acidentes do trabalho entre os beneficiários do Regime Geral de Previdência Social no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo de séries temporais interrompidas, usan...