The way we mould and socially present our body has an extraordinary social importance: appearance is our first business cardwhich people frame and judge us. This evaluation ends up conditioning our daily life,our social opportunities to our professio...
To assess the relationship of physical and psychological changes with quality of life in Civil Police officersPorto Alegre. Cross-sectional study carried out with 237 workers in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The physical and psychological changes were evalua...
This study sought to understand the experiences of patients with rare diseases based on the reconstruction of therapeutic itineraries, obtained between 2021 and 2022 and analyzed using thematic analysis. Patterns of common experiences in coping with...
We carried out the health situation analysis in the Legal Amazon through morbidity and mortality indicators and the comparison between intra and inter-state federation of the region and Brazil. Analysis of the health situation, trends, and identifica...
Apesar da maioria dos casos de COVID-19 serem leves, os casos graves que necessitam de hospitalização e ventilação mecânica foram suficientes para sobrecarregar os sistemas de saúde no mundo, levando a mais de 6 milhões de mortes e ao aumento ...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between alcohol consumption and abdominal obesity in participants of the ELSA-Brasil cohort after 9 years of follow-up. Methods: Longitudinal analysis performed with baseline and follow-up datathe ELSA-Brasil. ...
Este estudo digital analisou postagens relacionadas à cárie dentária em português brasileiro no Facebook para identificar informação falsa e prever fatores de interação do usuário. Uma amostra de 500 postagens (entre agosto de 2016 e agosto ...
The aim of study was evaluate ototoxic effects and on general health in farmers exposed to pesticides in the Pontal do Paranapanema region, SP, Brazil. Participants of both sexes with ages of 18-40, 40-60 and >60 years were allocated into the two gro...