In this article we analyze the preventive campaigns against cervical cancer (CCU) and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination developed by the National Cancer Institute (INCA) of the Ministry of Health, in addition to some campaigns produced by non-go...
The COVID-19 pandemic led the Unified Health System (SUS), coordinated by Primary Health Care, to redesign itself. In this sense, the Municipal Health Foundation of Teresina-PI established the Dental Care Protocol in the Context of the COVID-19 Pande...
The Programa Integrado de Doenças Endêmicas, or PIDE (Integrated Endemic Disease Program), was established in 1973 by Brazil’s National Research Council, CNPq, with funds from the Brazilian Innovation Agency, FINEP. The program was intended to fi...
The use of master samples by statistics institutes is widely disseminated internationally. Master samples allow the optimization of the resources involved in research planning and execution, in addition to facilitating their operationalization. In ad...
Established in 2019, the Previne Brasil Program (PPB), the current primary healthcare funding model of the Ministry of Health, consists of four payment criteria. The city of Campo Grande (MS) implemented the Laboratory of Primary Healthcare Innovatio...
The study analyzed the association of Cyberbullying with sociodemographic, family, mental health and behavioral factors in Brazilian schoolchildren This is a cross-sectional study with dataPeNSE 2019. Multivariate analysis was performed with Poisson ...
Objetivo: avaliar a relação entre as alimentação escolar e o comportamento alimentar, a qualidade da dieta, a insegurança alimentar e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) entre os estudantes brasileiros. Métodos: Seguindo as diretrizes PRISMA, est...
The aim of this article is to characterize indigenous people aged 18 to 23 of the Xukuru do Ororubá ethnic group, PE/Brazil, in terms of the use of dental services, self-perception of oral health, oral hygiene practices and caries experience, socioe...