The objective is to evaluate the incompleteness and temporal trend of filling in the race/color field of the most prevalent diseases and conditions in the black population in the Brazilian Health Information Systems, 2009-2018. This is an ecological ...
Objective: To analyze interventions related to spirituality as a contribution to the health and well-being of womena Recyclable Materials Association. Method: Action-research, complemented by phenomenological analysis, whose intervention was carried ...
Objective: To know the perception of women about obstetric violencea racial perspective. Method: This is a qualitative research carried out in a public maternity hospital with 25 women in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Data were collected throu...
The book \"History of Public Health - Major Epidemics in Brazil in the 20th and 21st Centuries\" is a 2022 work that, through the history of different diseases (rabies, influenza, meningitis, COVID-19, sporotrichosis), demonstrates the impact of glob...
Eu, Nós… Elas Quilombolas, a documentary that shows the Quilombola identity and the right to the Covid-19 vaccine, brings up notions of priority, rights, privileges and identity during the process that needs to link the number of vaccine doses to ...
Trata-se da resenha do livro O Preço de um Crime Socioambiental: os bastidores do processo de reparação do rompimento da barragem da Vale em Brumadinho, o maior desastre humanitário do Brasil, de Marina Paula Oliveira. Nele, a autora analisa o cr...
The aim was to examine the sociodemographic profile of sexual and gender minorities who engage in regular interaction with children, and to investigate whether such interactions are associated with healthcare factors. This cross-sectional study utili...
Objective: To apprehend the difficulties experienced by Human Milk Bank professionals and users of health services in assisting transgender men in the context of chestfeeding, based on Interseccionality. Method: This is a qualitative descriptive-expl...