The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between dietary practices and household food insecurity (HFI) status among high-risk children during the Covid-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 147 children aged 1 to 9 a...
This study scrutinizes structural racism\'s influence on the training and work of Black professionals in Primary Health Care (PHC) in Rio de Janeiro, particularly focusing on the experiences of Black female physicians. Employing a qualitative approac...
Declínios progressivos nas coberturas vacinais vem sendo registrados no Brasil nos últimos anos. A pandemia de COVID-19 trouxe ainda mais desafios para esse cenário. Considerando a pandemia como um evento, objetivou-se analisar a politização das...
To investigate the association between the school context and the occurrence of multiple partners among adolescents, considering individual variables. Cross-sectional study with multilevel analysis, carried outFebruary to June 2018 with students aged...
This study aims to make explicit the collective subject discourse of adult and elderly men about the experience of long COVID. This is a qualitative study, deriveda national multicenter clinical-virtual observatory, involving 92 adult men, observed b...
Prophylaxis based on antiretrovirals, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis to HIV (PrEP), can potentially protect the most vulnerable populationsthe infection, which renews optimism for the control of the HIV epidemic. Regarding this scenario, this artic...
Antecedentes: A análise das causas de morte é essencial para compreender os principais problemas que afetam o nível de saúde da população de uma região ou país. Os Garbage Codes (GC) fornecem poucas informações úteis sobre as causas de mor...
Objetivo: Detectar as áreas de maior risco para óbitos de crianças e adolescentes de 5 a 14 anos no estado de Mato Grosso entre os anos de 2009 e 2020. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, tipo exploratório, cuja unidade de análise foram os municípios....